Dog Who Stared At A Wall After Being Rescued Opened Up After She Felt Loved


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When Chelsea heard about an adorable dog who was about to be euthanized, she simply had to do something to prevent that from happening.

After seeing a picture of her, she simply fell in love, got in her car, and was on her way to save the day!

New Life

photo of a dog
Source: @little_lemmy_girl

At first, the pup was very anxious and wasn’t sure what was going on. Throughout the entire car ride, she was shivering with fright.

After arriving at her new home, she stopped at the door, hesitant as to whether she should go in or not. After looking around for a bit and hearing some encouraging words, the pup decided to enter.

dog on a leash
Source: @little_lemmy_girl

Even after being in her new home for a couple of weeks, the pup, now named Clementine, still hadn’t got used to her new environment.

Most of the time, Clementine was shaking and staring at a blank wall in front of her.

“She would just sit there staring at walls and shaking. I think it was just so overwhelming,” said Chelsea.

Even after a couple of months, Clementine would try to avoid eye contact, and would only occasionally look at her new family.

sad dog sitting on a couch
Source: @little_lemmy_girl

Even though she had her happy days, Clementine still didn’t come out of her shell.

Some days, we would think she was totally out of her scared phase, and then the next day, she would be scared of us again, so it was definitely a process.

Brand-new Doggo

close-up photo of the dog
Source: @little_lemmy_girl

Clementine’s family decided to give her space, time, and a lot of treats, thinking that she would come around at her own pace.

And, they were right!

When she did wander over to us, we would just pet her really gently. It’s been just the cutest, sweetest thing watching her come out of her shell.

Now, Clementine approaches her mom all by herself, asking for some long and gentle pets.

She loves, loves pets on the face.

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Over time, Clementine completely improved. From her physical appearance to being more open to hooman contact, this little pup started looking like a brand-new dog.

We have two other dogs. For a couple of weeks, they were a little bit skeptical of her, but they indoctrinated her into their pack. They have been inseparable ever since.

three dogs at the beach
Source: @little_lemmy_girl

Clementine’s favorite activity went from staring at a blank wall to playing with her brothers for hours.

Adopting Clementine has changed our lives immensely. Getting her healthy, mentally and physically, and just watching her transformation has been the most rewarding experience of my life.

Chelsea loves this new dynamic in her life. Her days are filled with fun puppy playdates and long, loving cuddles with her little baby Clementine.

dog wearing an orange bandana
Source: @little_lemmy_girl
