Owner Finds Her Dog Cuddling A Lonely Man After Losing Her Briefly At The Park 


Blue has always been a special doggo who seemed to understand that some people need a little extra love at times. 

Augusta DeKemper adopted Blue as a puppy from the Humane Society of Catawba County, North Carolina, and the two have been the best of friends ever since.

According to Augusta, it was love at first sight and at the first cuddle. 

Despite the fact that she knew he was a special pup from the moment she adopted him, the most recent episode at the local park revealed just how unique and special he truly is.

Sharing A Little Extra Love 

adorable black puppy
Source: @blue.onthemove

It all happened while the two were at their local park in San Francisco, where they currently live. 

A happy, playful pup he is, Blue usually runs and plays with the other dogs at the park in plain sight, but this time, in a flash of a second, he was nowhere to be seen. 

Augusta was immediately concerned. 

She told The Dodo, “I lost sight of him for a few moments in the park among all the other dogs. It’s quite large and busy with lots of dogs.” 

But, Blue was not, in fact, missing or lost – he had simply found a person who needed a little extra love and attention. 

senior man with dog outdoor
Source: @blueonthemove

This sweet boy chose to stop playing with his furry friend, and instead, pay a visit to a gentleman who was sitting on a bench by himself.  

Blue approached him, plopped down at his feet, and started offering him cuddles. That’s how Augusta found him: 


Blue always finds people who need a little extra love 💙 #dog #puppy #rescue #puppylove #adopt #mutt

♬ Home – Edith Whiskers

“Blue always finds people who need a little extra love,” she wrote. 

The older gentleman seemed to enjoy the attention he was receiving from Blue. Evidently, Blue had sensed that a bit of extra love and snuggles was exactly what this person needed that day. 

Augusta’s heart simply melted at the sight of the two, and she couldn’t even be mad at Blue for giving her a tiny scare. 

“He loves to greet everyone at the park!” she said, and we’re sure that people love to be greeted by this furry angel. 

happy black dog
Source: @blueonthemove

According to Augusta, Blue also loves “to sit on the balcony and people watch” and “also loves eating ice cubes and rolling in the grass.”

All in all, Blue is indeed a very special doggo who deserves all the love in the world. 
