Sweet Puppy Was Living With An Abusive Owner Until A Police Officer Came And Saved Him


It’s absolutely heartbreaking to think that some cruel humans are capable of hurting innocent and defenseless pups. The canines, just like all other animals, deserve to be loved without boundaries and treated with the utmost kindness and compassion.

How can anyone mistreat and abuse these creatures who want to cuddle and shower us with love whenever they see us?

All furbabies are equally worthy of having a nurturing and loving home, but sadly, they sometimes end up in the hands of people who hurt them and let them down.

Our following story is about a beautiful furbaby named Hemi, who was abused by his owner. Instead of giving him the life of his dreams, his owner mistreated this little pup, who only wanted to be loved.

Help Is On The Way

brown dog with injured leg
Source: Niagara SPCA

Fortunately, a Good Samaritan called the police after he noticed that his neighbor hurt and mistreated his two pups. Jimmy Tucci, a police officer, responded to the call and dashed to the scene to save the dogs.

When Tucci saw the two hurt canines and the sad look on their face, he was left brokenhearted. 

One of the dogs, named Foreign, was limping and couldn’t put pressure on her leg, while the other pup, called Hemi, was in worse condition. He was severely malnourished and he could barely walk on his own.

Tucci noticed that his leg was swollen and he had open wounds on his body because he spent too much time in a cage. He carefully carried him in his arms and rushed him to Northtowns Emergency, located in Tonawanda, New York.

girl helping a dog
Source: Niagara SPCA

Hemi’s caregivers were saddened to see him in such a terrible state. They talked to him and stroked him. Despite everything that he had been through, Hemi didn’t lose his faith in humans, and he showed his caregivers so much love.

Both dogs were saved on the same day, and Niagara SPCA, located in Niagara Falls, New York, took them under their care. Both Hemi and his friend, Foreign, felt safe and relieved. 

Their eyes were filled with hope that they would finally find happiness and love. 

Hemi Gets His Happily-Ever-After

police officer dog and girl
Source: Samantha Lynn

Tucci was thinking about Hemi all the time. He and his wife, Samantha, wanted to give Hemi a loving home that he truly deserved, so they filled out the adoption application.

The couple arrived at the SPCA with their French Bulldog. 

Hemi was happy to see his rescuer again, and he instantly bonded with his mom and his doggy brother. Their parents’ hearts overflowed with happiness after they saw the two siblings sniffing and kissing each other.

two dogs hugging
Source: Samantha Lynn

Hemi was thrilled to start a new life in his forever home. The pup was happy and he enjoyed snuggling with his parents and his doggy brother.

The two siblings liked hugging each other while taking a nap.

In 2022, they were both overjoyed to welcome their little human brother, and they showered him with love. There’s no doubt the three of them would become best friends. 

We’re immensely grateful to the Good Samaritan who contacted the police and reported his neighbor, as well as to Jimmy Tucci and his wife, Samantha, and to all the people who help animals in need every single day.
