Dog Saved From A Dangerous Cliff Becomes The Sweetest Family Member


As Daniele, a rescuer at Jersey Pits, New Jersey, was working at the shelter, she overheard animal control mentioning that there was a dog stranded on a cliff.

The rescuer wasted no time whatsoever, and quickly ran down the street and started climbing the cliff, looking for the lost pup. When she saw him, she immediately started calling out to him, asking him to get down, but the pup simply did not react.

Because of this lack of reaction, she knew that this would not be an easy rescue whatsoever.

Rescue Mission

dog in the woods
Source: The Dodo

She then decided to get closer to him, trekking up the steep and dangerous hill. But, even when she got very close to him, the Pittie did not want to approach her.

“He was so disconnected, he was shaking like a leaf. Every time I would get near him he would actually back up more. So he was getting closer to the ledge,” Daniele told The Dodo.

dog sitting in the woods
Source: The Dodo

Daniele eventually managed to corner him, stopping him from getting to the edge of the cliff, but he was not happy.

“So, luckily, I had my cell phone with me, and I called animal control. And I was like ‘I have him in a spot where I could probably get him but I need help’,”  she added.

In no time, her backup arrived, and they were able to get a pole around him, getting him down and walking him to the animal control facility.

dog walking with a pole
Source: The Dodo

At The Shelter

When he arrived at the New Jersey shelter, this Pit Bull was not happy at all. All he did was sit in the kennel, leaning against one of its walls while shaking uncontrollably.

The staff scanned him for a microchip, but were unable to find one.

“Since he is a stray, he legally, in New Jersey, had to go on a seven-day stray hold,” Daniele stated.

However, this beautiful boy was not alone. Daniele came to visit him every single day, talking him out for his daily walks.

dog sitting on a sidewalk
Source: @thebennyblancoshow

As time passed, the pup started opening up more and more, even hugging Daniele whenever she came around.

After the seven-day hold had passed, he needed to be placed in foster care. Luckily, the shelter received an application stating that a couple were willing to take him in.

“He threw himself everywhere. He was energetic. We noticed right away that he had really bad separation anxiety,” said Jessica, his foster mom.

The pup, now named Benny, had some trouble adjusting to family life. He got into some mischief, even tearing up his foster parent’s office, letting them know that they had to teach him some boundaries.  

two dogs running on the beach
Source: @thebennyblancoshow

Their other dog, Sky, also realized that Benny didn’t really know how to be a house dog at all.

“She just kept looking at him, and then looking at us like ‘When is he going home? This guy is crazy!’” said Veron, his foster dad.

The pups eventually got used to each other’s dynamic and even started cuddling up together whenever they took a nap.

close-up photo of two dogs lying
Source: @thebennyblancoshow

Unfortunate News

Jessica and Veron started noticing some strange behavior with Sky, so they decided to take her to the vet.

They were heartbroken when they found out that she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer.

dog standing in front of a colorful wall
Source: @thebennyblancoshow

Benny understood that something was going on, so he took it upon himself to keep the good vibes going on in the house.

“He just gave us little laughs. His high energy changed a little bit, because I think he was starting to understand that Sky was going through something very difficult,” said Veron.

When Sky crossed over the rainbow bridge, Benny kept the family strong, reminding them that they had to keep on going and honor their beautiful girl.

two dogs close-up photo
Source: @thebennyblancoshow

By this time, it was clear that Benny wasn’t going anywhere, and was an integral part of the family.

New Family

The couple is overjoyed to have somebody like Benny as they go through such a difficult time.

“We are so happy that he came at the right opportunity. We feel like that was part of Sky’s cosmic energy. All the stars aligned for him to be with us during this difficult time,” said Jessica.

dog lying
Source: @thebennyblancoshow

Benny went from being stranded on a cliff, not allowing humans to approach him, to finally being a part of a family that has nothing but love and adoration for him.

Benny, I am incredibly proud of you for helping your family get through such a difficult time. I am sure that Sky is watching over you and is overjoyed at the fact that you are keeping her parents happy.

Good boy, Benny.
