North Carolina Dog Escapes Horrific Conditions And Leads Rescuers To Save 40 Other Animals


A Basset Hound from North Carolina, appropriately named ‘Hero,’ deserves a medal for her incredible bravery and courageous deeds.

The life of this sweet dog was anything but sweet. Sadly, she and nearly forty other animals lived in very horrific conditions, confined in a house in North Carolina. 

Thanks to ‘Hero,’ who managed to break free and then guide rescuers to the horrible house, all animals have been saved.  

Mission To Save Them All 

close-up photo of dog on a leash
Source: Humane Society of Concord & Greater Cabarrus County

Hero and the rest of the animals lived all their life in truly horrific conditions. It’s truly heartbreaking to think that this senior girl endured a decade of suffering.

Judy Sims, the director of Humane Society of Concord & Greater Cabarrus County, said in the interview with Lady Freethinker that “some were in small cages, some sleeping on feces in beds, some had injuries, several were emaciated. They were filthy. Most had medical issues.”

One day, Hero somehow managed to escape the dreadful house and was found wandering along a road in North Carolina. 

An animal control officer noticed Hero, and after seeing her distressing condition, promptly picked her up.

Driving to the address that was written on Hero’s ID tag, the officer found the property’s door open, with numerous animals “spilling out” of the house. 

Upon further inspection, the officials were able to rescue 36 other dogs, a chicken, and a cat, all thanks to this senior Basset Hound girl. 

dog named hero
Source: Humane Society of Concord & Greater Cabarrus County

According to Sims, The Humane Society of Concord & Greater Cabarrus County was able to take in 15 dogs, including Hero.

Several other animal rescues from the area assisted in taking in the remaining animals, and were even able to find loving homes for some of them.

The members of the Cabarrus County community even joined forces to assist with the rising medical costs and other expenses. 

Hero Has Been Adopted 

The Humane Society decided to give the senior Basset Hound girl a name worthy of her incredible actions. 

“We’ve given her a name that’s worthy of her [Hero] and a last name of Salvare, which means to save and protect,” the Humane Society wrote in their Facebook post. 

sad dog on a leash
Source: Humane Society of Concord & Greater Cabarrus County

According to their speculations, Hero is at least 10 years old, if not a couple of years beyond that. 

“Hero’s condition was poor when we first laid eyes on her: visible bones under dull dirty fur and skin, overgrown nails that twisted over one another to the point walking was difficult, and a horrible bladder infection. We also learned that she was positive for heartworms, a disease that could have been easily prevented,” the shelter further added.  

Despite her incredibly sad and painful past, Hero has remained a sweet and easy-going girl who simply loves to be in the company of someone and cuddle up on her blankets.

The shelter learned that she loves to go on short walks and just enjoy the fresh air and sniff around… something she never got a chance to do before. 

They were hoping to find her a quiet home, preferably with a four-legged friend and a loving person who would be able to give her lots of care and love. 

Luckily, their wishes soon came true because Hero was adopted into a wonderful family shortly after their Facebook post. 

woman carrying a dog
Source: Humane Society of Concord via Lady Freethinker

Several other members of the “Salvare” family were adopted as well, with others being fostered or receiving medical care. 

“It’s hard to put into words how we were affected by these dogs. The impact they had on our hearts was nothing short of heart-wrenching,” Judy Sims told Lady Freethinker. 
