Sweetest Pug Siblings Decided To Stay Together After Being Cruelly Dumped At An Elementary School


Dogs’ immense love toward us can be seen in their twinkling eyes and in the way they rush to greet us as soon as we return home from work.

We feel privileged to have their love, and we do our best to let our canines know that we adore them, too.

Sadly, there are owners who don’t have any affection toward their pups. They dump them and hurt their feelings.

Audrey, Chica, and Millie, three Pug mix pups, felt confused and hurt, too, after they were abandoned at an elementary school in Mecca, California.

Instead of being kissed good night and sleeping in a warm home, the three puppies had to spend the night out in the cold.

Capturing The Puppies

pug puppies sleeping in the cold
Source: The Animal Rescue Center Of California

The principal of the school reached out to The Animal Rescue Center of California and told them that there were three puppies dumped on the school grounds.

The rescuers were saddened that the fur babies had to sleep outside and endure the cold weather. 

Determined to rescue them as soon as possible, Kirk, one of the rescuers, drove to the school to collect the puppies.

Shortly after arriving, Kirk saw two of the puppies in the schoolyard. They were sniffing the ground, trying to find something to eat.

Kirk set a crate with food in it, but the puppies refused to enter it. Despite being hungry, the food couldn’t lure them into the crate. 

The long-time rescuer realized that capturing the puppies wouldn’t be so easy. 

He left food for the puppies, and they happily ate everything. 

two pug puppies eating from a bowl
Source: The Animal Rescue Center Of California

Since Kirk knew that coyotes would show up at night, he was resolved to bring the puppies to safety before dark.

Luckily, the school custodian and one of the students, both named Ivan, spent some time with the puppies over the last two days. Since the puppies trusted them, the custodian and the student were able to approach them.

boy helping pug puppy
Source: The Animal Rescue Center Of California

The custodian managed to catch one puppy, but the other pup ran away to the play ground where the rescuers found the third sibling. She was chasing cats. 

Kirk cuddled the third fur baby, who melted out of affection and kissed his hands. She must have recognized that he was there to help. 

The rescuer had the opportunity to capture the third puppy, but he decided not to because he feared that the second sibling would run away again. He thought it was better to rescue them together.

The Three Puppies Are Brought To Safety

close-up photo of two pug puppies in a kennel
Source: The Animal Rescue Center Of California

Kirk and Ivan came up with a great idea to scoot the fur babies into the school. Once the canines were inside, their rescuers felt a sense of relief. The babies were finally safe.

Kirk drove the sweet puppies to the rescue in Coachella, California. 

The staff welcomed the adorable siblings and named them Audrey, Chica, and Millie. 

The three canines felt relieved to be in a warm home and receive the much-needed affection. Feeling safe and content, they wagged their tails.

photo of three pug puppies
Source: The Animal Rescue Center Of California

Audrey, Chica, and Millie love playing with toys, and they can’t wait to find their forever parents. These sweet puppies have a lot of love to give to their humans.

If you’re looking for an affectionate and loyal furry friend, please reach out to The Animal Rescue Center in California. Meet these charming pups and prepare yourself to fall head over heels in love with them.
