Coonhound Beagle Mix – Is This The Best Beagle Mix?

Beagles and Coonhounds both belong to the hound family and have many similar traits, including the tricolor coat, which is one of their trademarks. At first glance, it’s easy to imagine that these two dog breeds would go well with each other.

Despite these dogs belonging to the same family, they are genetically very distinct. Still, many breeders love creating a Coonhound Beagle mix – a hybrid breed that is loved by many.

Among all the beagle mixes that exist, the Coonhound Beagle mix is considered to be the best one by many dog lovers – and this includes numerous mixes with Retrievers, German Shepherds, Poodles, and other more well-known dogs.

While this crossbreed doesn’t sound like the most creative mix out there, there are many benefits to mixing two of the best hunting dogs. Not only are there some temperament advantages, but doing this makes the puppies healthier as well.

So, what is a Coonhound Beagle mix like? Should you get this crossbreed or should you keep on looking elsewhere for your perfect pet?

Here’s what you need to know.

What Is A Coonhound Beagle Mix?

a portrait of a beautiful hunting dog

The Coonhound Beagle mix, also known as a Beagle Coonhound, is a crossbreed of a purebred Beagle and a purebred Coonhound. Usually, you’ll see a Walker Beagle mix as this is the type of Coonhound mostly bred with Beagles.

There are plenty of different combinations that are possible for this designer breed as there are six different Coonhound breeds available. These include:

• The English Coonhound

• The Bluetick Coonhound

• The Black and Tan Coonhound

• The Redbone Coonhound

• The Plott Coonhound

• The Treeing Walker Coonhound

Any of these types of Coonhounds can be mixed with a Beagle to create this hybrid breed. This means that you can find a Redbone Coonhound Beagle mix, a Bluetick Coonhound Beagle mix, and so on.

Usually, a male Beagle is used instead of a female one to be mated with a Coonhound. This is because of the size difference. A smaller female Beagle would have issues giving birth to Coonhound-size puppies.


a hunting dog in the park on a leash

Did you know that the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix is a crossbreed of a crossbreed?

You read that right – the Treeing Walker Coonhound was made in 1945 when the Walker Coonhound was bred with a dog of an unknown breed.

This makes the most popular combination of this crossbreed very unique, even among mixed breeds.

As time went on and the crossbreeding became more refined, the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix was created as well.

However, to understand this designer breed, we need to look a bit deeper, and the best way to start is by looking at the origins of two parent breeds.

History Of The Treeing Walker Coonhound Breed

a hunting dog outside on a leash

Treeing Walker Coonhounds are descendants of American and English Foxhounds. They were recognized as a distinct breed in 1945 after completing the crossbreeding.

They are among the five Coonhound breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). In fact, they are the latest addition to the list as the AKC placed them on its list in 2012.

Coonhounds as a whole first came to the USA thanks to Thomas Walker who exported a pair of English Coonhounds to Virginia in 1742. The Coonhounds were bred to hunt raccoons, as their name implies, but people also used them to hunt deer, bear, even mountain lions!

As time passed, the English Coonhound became known as the Virginia Coonhound before its name changed to Walker Coonhound. They were often bred with other hunting dogs, which is how the breed variations came to be.

These doggies are everything but walkers. They are excellent, fast runners, well-built, and lean but muscular. This is what makes them so popular among hunters.

They got the ‘Treeing’ part of the name as they were bred to track and chase their prey until it mounts a tree, then wait underneath it until the hunter arrives.

History Of The Beagle Breed

a beagle dog stands on a sandy beach

Beagles are among the oldest dog breeds out there. While it isn’t known exactly how they came to be, there are records of dogs resembling a Beagle back in 400 B.C!

Their ancestors were brought to England with the intent to hunt rabbits and hares. To become larger and better trackers, they were bred with local hounds for centuries.

Eventually, this resulted in not only large hounds, but also in smaller types of the breed, known as Pocket Beagles. They were so popular back in the day that even Queen Elizabeth I kept packs of these Pocket Beagles inside the palace!

In the 18th century, trends began to change, and Beagles were no longer the primary hunting dogs as Foxhounds, Basset Hounds, and Bloodhounds took over. However, the Beagle breed was still popular as it could hunt down smaller animals and didn’t require hunters to ride on horses, as they weren’t as fast as the Foxhounds.

A few decades later, Beagles were exported into the USA, and they quickly gained popularity because they excelled at hunting down rabbits. The AKC registered Beagles as a breed in 1885, and since then, the breed has only grown in popularity.

Since then, there were even a few sub-types of Beagles bred, such as the Blue Tick Beagle.

History of the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle Mix

As with every crossbreed, it is impossible to say that the two breeds were never mixed before a certain moment in time. However, what can be said is that the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix reached the public eye a few decades ago when designer breeds became popular.

The main reason behind the said crossbreed is to create a healthier dog that wouldn’t have some of the genetic issues that many Beagles suffer with. The breeders intended to create the perfect hunting dog that would be as healthy as a Coonhound, yet as friendly as a Beagle. Many would say they succeeded.


a portrait of a hunting dog in nature

When it comes to looks, both dogs look quite similar. One might think that the Coonhound Beagle mix is just a smaller version of the Treeing Walker Coonhound and not a crossbreed.

Both dog breeds have a white base coat that appears when the puppy is around eight weeks old. As they grow older, the rest of their body becomes covered with black and tan spots that can change in color as they age.

However, Beagles are much smaller dogs than Coonhounds. They are between 13 and 15 inches in size, and weigh approximately between 18 and 30 lbs. Their eyes are large, which gives them the appearance of a puppy no matter their age.

Beagles are mostly recognized by their large, floppy ears that tend to swing as they run.

They have a well-balanced frame that is held on strong, but somewhat short legs that are a result of centuries of hunting and tracking.

On the other hand, Treeing Walker Coonhounds are taller and heavier than Beagles. They have an average height of 20 to 27 inches, and they can weigh anywhere between 45 and 80 lbs.

They have similar facial features as Beagles, except their eyes and ears are smaller. They have a sleek body, but unlike Beagles, their legs are long and muscular, allowing them to run fast and far.

So, what does this mean for the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix?

The crossbred has an overall ‘houndy’ appearance, just like its parent breeds. Its body is slim and lean, with long legs inherited from the Coonhound parents. This means that it can run at incredible speeds.

Height and weight can be a bit unpredictable as the Beagle and the Coonhound have a large size difference. Overall, the crossbreed can be anywhere between its parent breeds.

The coat color resembles both the Coonhound’s and the Beagle’s – it has a white base coat with black and tan markings all over its body. The floppy ears and puppy eyes are something that both parents have, so this is pretty standard for the crossbreed as well.


Coonhound Beagle Mix – Is This The Best Beagle Mix?

The Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix was created with the idea of creating a hunting dog that would also have a friendly personality. These dogs make excellent family pets as they are very friendly and affectionate.

These pups are also great for little kids as they can easily adjust to changes in the environment, along with new people and animals. In fact, as they are pack animals, they will excel in social environments.

As this breed descends from scent hound dogs and trackers, it is a strong-willed breed and motivated, with a high prey drive. These dogs can keep hunting a scent without a break for hours at a time!

However, while these traits are excellent during a hunt, they also make these dogs a bit stubborn, which can make training more difficult. Luckily, they are very intelligent, so if you know how to deal with them, they can learn things rather quickly.

At the same time, these are some of the most affectionate dogs out there. In fact, they don’t make excellent watchdogs or guard dogs as they are incredibly welcoming, even towards strangers. They love meeting new people and animals, and will gladly live in a huge pack.

This friendliness makes them excellent nanny dogs, even if you have small kids. They aren’t aggressive or overly temperamental, and they love playing with children.

Still, probably the best trait of this crossbreed is their ability to adapt to a situation. One second, they can be on the hunt prepared to catch their prey, and next, they’re cuddly and ready to babysit your kids.

This doesn’t mean that they depend on their owners. They will rarely get separation anxiety, and they can spend plenty of time alone – as long as you’ve ensured they have the means for mental and physical stimulation as they shouldn’t get bored.

Training Requirements

Coonhound Beagle Mix – Is This The Best Beagle Mix?

This breed has high energy levels, so they require a lot of daily exercise and playtime. Both parent breeds are bred to cover long distances daily, and this has been going on for generations. As a result, this crossbreed requires the need to get rid of all that energy.

These pups tend to be very energetic and active throughout the day. They have high levels of stamina, and they need to get tired every day. If they get bored, they can become destructive.

The best physical activity you can provide these dogs with is long walks and jogs. Hiking, games of fetch, and frisbee are also a way of keeping them entertained.

However, keep in mind that these dogs are scent hounds. If they catch a smell, they’ll easily wander off, so don’t let them be off of a leash if you are unsure of their recall skills.

While we’re on recall, it’s important that you learn how to train these dogs properly. You should start training them from puppyhood, so you can control their hunting instincts. Also, no matter how friendly they are, early socialization is the key for your dog to develop healthy playtime habits.

The Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix dog can get bored easily, so this is something that you need to be wary of. Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to keep them invested in training.

While their high intelligence means that they’re capable of learning commands quickly, their stubbornness can make them unwilling to do so. Outsmart them and make them think that learning is a game. Change patterns from time to time to keep them entertained.

Does The Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle Mix Shed?

the person wipes the hunting dog with a towel

The Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix might be an excellent choice for someone looking for a good dog that doesn’t require a lot of grooming. These dogs don’t shed as much as some other breeds since they are descendants of dogs with medium to short coat lengths.

While Beagles shed a bit more, puppies that have inherited more Beagle genes might leave a bit more hair on furniture than others, but it’s not half as bad as if you were to have a Golden Retriever, for example.

Usually, it’s enough if you brush your pooch once or twice a week and bathe it once or twice a month using a high-quality dog shampoo. Clean their ears using a wet towel once a week as they are sensitive.

You should also trim their nails regularly, and ensure that they have plenty of chewing toys to help them with their dental hygiene. Otherwise, they might develop bad breath.

How Long Do Beagle Coonhounds Live?

a hunting dog lies on the floor

There is no exact data on the lifespan of a Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix since this breed isn’t recognized by the AKC and can vary a lot in health and in physical characteristics.

However, since the Beagle lives between 12 and 16 years on average, and Coonhounds live approximately 12 to 14 years, we can conclude that the Walker Beagle has a lifespan of at least 12 years. This is quite a lot, especially when compared to larger dog breeds.

This is because these mixed dogs are fairly healthy since hybrid vigor keeps them safe from many genetic health issues. However, this doesn’t mean that they are immune to certain genetic conditions.

Most importantly, both parent breeds can become obese, so take care of what you’re feeding them. While human food should be avoided, it would be a good idea to replace store-bought snacks with some healthy alternatives, such as guavas, fig newtons, or paprika.

Here are a few health problems you should be aware of before you bring a Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix into their new home:

Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is a condition that many dogs suffer from, no matter their size or breed. It occurs when the thigh bone doesn’t fit the way it should inside the hip socket. This results in pain, numbness, or even conditions such as arthritis.

Hip Dysplasia usually plagues larger breeds, but breeds with short legs are also prone to it, which is why your puppy might inherit it from both of its parents.

This condition isn’t curable, but keeping your dog active can help reduce the chances of it appearing in the later years. Also, you should always get your Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix puppy from a reputable breeder who conducts genetic testing of their dogs.

Intervertebral Disk Disease

This is a bone disorder that is common in Beagles, but unusual in Coonhounds.

Intervertebral Disk Disease creates compression in the dog’s spinal cord. This can lead to back and neck pain or produce more severe symptoms, such as loss of sensation and paralysis.

sad Coonhound Beagle mix at home

Photo from @kirathehalfbeagle


This is another genetic disorder that Beagles might carry on to their puppies. Epilepsy triggers seizures that can range from mild to very severe, but they usually aren’t life-threatening.

Today, there are many different types of medication that can help you keep this condition at bay.


Dwarfism is yet another common disorder in Beagles that leads to malformed bone growth. Unlike Intervertebral Disk Disease, it affects all bones, leading to curved legs, a crooked back, and a malformed skull.

You can commonly find breeders selling dogs with dwarfism and claiming they are Pocket Beagle breeds. Since it’s very difficult to differentiate between the two until it’s too late, always buy your dog from a reputable breeder.

Is The Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle Mix Right For Me?

a hunting dog is sitting in the house on the floor

Many people instantly fall in love with the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix due to its cute appearance and adorable puppy eyes. However, these dogs aren’t for everyone.

As we’ve mentioned, this crossbreed is very energetic, so its owner needs to be a person who is capable of keeping up with them. These pups require a lot of daily exercise, and regular walks are usually not enough to deplete their energy levels.

Also, you have to know who you’re getting these dogs from. Otherwise, you might end up with a crossbreed with severe bone or neurological conditions. Don’t pay much less than you would for a purebred Beagle or a Coonhound.

Other than that, the Treeing Walker Coonhound Beagle mix makes a great family pet. Although a bit stubborn, you’ll find that training it doesn’t require too much effort – just a lot of patience and creativity.

They are excellent with little kids, and they require little to no grooming, but keep in mind they are not hypoallergenic. If you’re an allergy sufferer, it might be wise to check out some Poodle crossbreeds instead.

Overall, these doggies make excellent pets for active families looking for a loyal companion that will stay with them for years to come.

Coonhound Beagle Mix – Is This The Best Beagle Mix

Coonhound Beagle Mix – Is This The Best Beagle Mix?
