A Sad And Frightened Pup Who Was Hopelessly Lying At The Same Spot For Days Feels Safe Again


The residents in a California neighborhood became worried after they noticed a sorrowful canine who was lying on the same spot for days. 

With his head resting on the ground and a dejected expression on his face, the doggo seemed to have given up on himself.

He looked neglected, and his fur was matted.

Every time passers-by would approach him and try to help him, the dog would become overwhelmed with fear and he would run up to the corner.

Since the pooch didn’t trust humans, he tried to hide from them. 

He couldn’t have imagined that soon, his life would change forever.

A Good Human Calls Suzette Hall

stray dog laying down
Source: Suzette Hall

A woman named Miriam noticed the sad doggo who refused to move from his spot. 

She contacted Suzette Hall, an experienced rescuer and the founder of Logan’s Legacy, a rescue based in Irvine, California, who promised to help the stray canine.

Upon her arrival at the scene, Hall saw the neglected pooch who was hopelessly lying on the ground. The rescuer felt sad. 

The dog was too scared to ask anyone for help.

Hall knew that he was tired and hungry. She set a humane trap, hoping that the food would lure him in.

The rescuer kept talking to the pooch and trying to win his trust.

Although the pup felt frightened, he couldn’t resist the food and he entered the crate

Once the dog realized that he couldn’t get out of the trap, he started barking. He still wasn’t aware that his life was about to make a turn for the better.

The pup kept trembling from fear while the rescuer drove him to his foster.

The Pup Starts Trusting Humans Again

woman and dog with curly fur
Source: Suzette Hall

His foster mom received him with outstretched arms. She tried comforting him and making him feel safe.

The next morning, the doggo was taken to the Camino Pet Hospital where he was given a medical checkup. The vet scanned him for a microchip, but he didn’t have one.

The pooch sensed that he was surrounded by good humans, and he started letting go of his fear. 

The wonderful canine snuggled next to Hedy Herold, the hospital’s office manager. He kept looking at her with loving eyes.

“He literally melted into Hedy’s arms, just cuddled right up to her. He knew he was safe,” Hall wrote in a Facebook post.

While the vet team bathed him, the sweet pup’s eyes melted with gratitude. 

After they trimmed his matted fur and gave him a makeover, the canine looked like a totally different pup.

cute puppy with cute eyes
Source: Suzette Hall

The wonderful humans that the doggo met gave him hope that he would get the happy ending his heart wished for.

I hope that the sweet canine will soon find his forever home and receive the unconditional love that he deserves. 
