Mini Weimaraner: Shrunken Down To Cuteness


Dog lovers from all over the world know a thing or two about Weimaraners. Their breed is widely known for being the “gray ghost”. Their signature gray coat and the impeccable hunting style sure made these dogs the cutest dogs ever!

But, what about the mini Weimaraner? Are they some even cuter ghost dogs? Do they even exist?

Hold on, let’s go one baby step at a time.

Mini Weimaraners exist, but people don’t link them to the mentioned nickname.

Today, you’re about to find out what’s so special about mini Weimaraners, and if they’re mixed-breed dogs or a result of crossbreeding.

Every time someone mentions a miniature version of a purebred dog, alarms go off in my head. Does the same thing happen to you? Do you link mini with impure and unethical? Maybe you have the right to do that.

We’re about to find out!

What Is A Mini Weimaraner?

A mini Weimaraner is lying on the bed

Photo from: @leda_from_weimar

To describe what a mini Weimaraner is, we first have to say a thing or two about the original Weimaraner.

As far as we know, the Weimaraner is a hunting dog, often referred to as the gray ghost. They’re big dogs, and there’s nothing miniature about their appearance or their temperament.

The mini Weimaraner is supposed to be the smaller version of the standard Weim. But, these dogs normally don’t come in different sizes as Poodles do. The American Kennel Club (AKC) does not list giant, standard, miniature, or toy Weimaraners as recognized sizes of the breed.

What does this tell you?

That the mini version isn’t a legit one? Absolutely!

Mini Weimaraners can be achieved through some unethical ways, which can only bring further problems. Large dogs make large puppies. Medium-sized dogs make medium puppies. And, small dogs make small pups. That’s the way nature functions. The size of the parents indicate how big the puppy will be.

Naturally, when you breed two extra small dogs that have stayed small for some reason, you’ll get another small dog. The downsizing goes on and on, and on… we could go on like this forever. But, let us discuss the breeding practices that lead to mini Weimaraners in a while.

Where Do Mini Weimaraners Come From?

We still have no idea where the first mini Weimaraners came from. As with many crossbreed dogs or hybrids that were made to feature something special, i.e., the small size, it will never be possible to figure out where they first appeared.

Dogs have been around almost as long as humans. The first examples of the Weimaraner dog breed date back to the early 19th century. Back then, a lot of popular dog breeds were established and found their destiny as valued helpers and loyal companions.

Our Weim was one of those dogs.

Originally bred as hunting dogs, Weimaraners were always large. Even one of the theories of their origin states they come from Bloodhounds… some pretty big doggos! It took a strong dog of great size to help with hunting prey. Although Weims usually hunt down birds, their assistance in all fields was very much welcomed.

We can absolutely assume that at some point in their early days, breeders used to experiment with litters. Back then, even breeding within the same lines was a normal thing. Luckily, dog lines have cleared out through the years.

Now, as for the experiments…

Dog breeders in the early 19th century were highly likely to breed litter runts or the smallest of all puppies in order to get a small size. I assume the practice did not take off because those mini dogs were too weak to assist on hunting trips.

At the turn of the last century, a new trend was born… miniature dogs! From compact-sized pooches to the new specimens of the toy dog group – dog lovers covered them all!

The 1980s and the 1990s were fertile ground to experiment once again and get the first modern mini Weimaraners. There are a lot of ways to achieve the mini size, but we all think that breeding dogs with dwarfism or those of tiny growth are the most common practices.

Their origin may be known, but the future of mini Weimaraners is bright and waiting to happen.

What Do Mini Weimaraners Look Like?

Mini Weimaraner enjoys the bed

Photo from: @leda_from_weimar

When describing a dog’s appearance, we usually mention coat colors, size, coat type, head shape, etc. But, that’s not fully possible with mini Weimaraners. Well, it is if the puppy comes from purebred Weims. However, we often have mini Weims as a result of crossbreeding, and that’s not quite easy to tell.

Let’s discuss mini Weimaraners from standard Weim parents first!

Mini Weimaraner From Purebred Parents

The mini Weimaraner looks like a small Weim puppy with short legs, and with a compact body. Their puppy features are present in all aspects of their appearance. If you keep in mind the fact that normal Weims grow up to 27 inches at the withers, you can realize why people breed mini Weims.

Not everyone has the chance to keep Weimaraner dogs, especially not if they’re living in a small apartment or don’t have a large back yard. The demand for a compact dog for all Weim lovers was a must.

But, does this mini Weim resemble normal Weims in anything other than their body shape? Is their coat color affected by the change or some other features?

No, it’s only the size that’s being affected… nothing else. If a regular Weim is up to 27 inches, the mini Weimaraner should stand tall at around 14 inches at the withers. Of course, the smaller pups you breed, the smaller the mini Weim will be.

As I mentioned, the other features won’t change. Your mini Weimaraner will still have that gorgeous silky coat. Their coat is what makes these pups low-maintenance dogs. When dogs are low-maintenance, it means they won’t shed like crazy, and don’t need much grooming time.

The Weim is absolutely one of those dogs. They don’t have an undercoat, but their topcoat still sheds, and they need some grooming. Unfortunately, I can’t claim that these dogs are hypoallergenic, no matter their size, but Weims don’t shed crazily.

Weims resemble Greyhounds in terms of their coat. These two dog breeds shouldn’t go outside in the winter without a coat.

One thing is certain: grooming a mini Weimaraner is much easier than grooming a standard one!

With their big, droopy ears, and kind puppy-dog eyes, mini Weimaraners will definitely steal your heart.

Now, how about we check out some crosses that might lead to our mini Weim?

Weimar And Poodle Mix Or Weimardoodle

Remember when I told you that dog enthusiasts have begun experimenting and creating new designer dogs at the turn of the last century? The first designer dog bred with the purpose to be small, cute, and hypoallergenic was a Labradoodle. After that, others came like the Goldendoodle, the Dalmadoodle, the Shepadoodle, etc.

As you can see, all dog breeds got crossed with a Poodle to achieve hypoallergenic status and adorable looks. Our Weimaraner was no exception!

The cross called the Weimardoodle looks a lot like the Weim, but the pup did inherit some Poodle traits. This mini Weimaraner puppy should not grow past 20 inches.

There’s something really special that I might add that is a bit worrying about these pups. It’s their coat. You see, when you pair a dog with curly hair like the Poodle, and a dog with sleek, short hair like the Weimaraner, you get a pup that features corded hair.

This coat type might confuse some of you, but it’s the main reason why this mini Weim is also a mini Doodle!

Beagle And Weimaraner Mix (Or Beagiraner)

No, that’s not a typo, and I did not mean to say “beginner”. It says what it says: Beagiraner.

This is a cross mini Weim coming from the purebred Weim and the Beagle. It’s quite an unusual combination, given the fact that most people choose to breed Poodles or other hypoallergenic dogs to reach the much-wanted popularity.

In this case, the focus was not on the coat’s traits – it was on the size.

These mini Weimaraners (or Beagiraners) are also around 20 inches at the withers. I know what you might think: 20 inches isn’t THAT small. Some of the world’s smallest dog breeds are just a few inches tall.

But, compared to the size of the normal Weim, it’s pretty short. These mini Weims are still smaller, more compact versions of the original breed.

The Beagiraner is blessed to inherit lots of coat colors from both parents. Of course, the popular Weim gray color is a must, but Beagle coat colors are present, too, such as the blue tick Beagle. With such an array of coat shades, you never know what a puppy might look like!

Also, the coat type will change once again. The sleek Weim coat will be replaced with the Beagle’s coarse hair that appears to be longer than with the Weimaraner breed. So much for the sparkling shiny coat with this mini Weim, huh?

What Are Mini Weimaraners Like Temperament-Wise?

Mini Weimaraners run across the field

Photo from: @leda_from_weimar

The temperament of a Miniature Weimaraner will depend on how the puppy was bred.

Crossbred Mini Weimaraners can either have the Weim’s temperament or inherit personality traits from the other parent. You can only tell that once the puppy starts growing up. You’ll see if your mini Weim is more of a Weim or a Poodle, for example.

But, if you have a Miniature Weimaraner from purebred parents, here’s what their temperament will be like.

All Weimaraners are dogs with high energy levels. They were bred to assist on hunting trips, and they needed to have lots of energy available to complete their tasks successfully. But, their role as gun dogs doesn’t really exist these days. Instead, Weims are now companion dogs.

The Miniature Weimaraner fits into the description of a family dog perfectly since they can be lap dogs, too! Just imagine a standard Weim trying to squeeze into your lap. Funny, right?

Generally speaking, all Weimas are brave dogs that love to investigate. They’re alert, and they can be excellent watchdogs. Yes, even Mini Weimaraners can serve as watchdogs!

The Weimaraner Club of America and the AKC promote the Weim’s breed standard as loyal dogs that need a human companion.

If you leave a Mini Weimaraner alone for too long every day, he might develop a condition called separation anxiety. Bring your Mini along anywhere you go. You’ve got a small-sized dog, so there’s no excuse here!

Taking a Weim with you might be the ideal opportunity to have your dog pass all socialization lessons. This is a must if you want a well-functioning dog.

As far as their intelligence is concerned, Weimaraners are smart pooches, and you’ll have no problem with dog training!

Why Breeding Mini Weimaraners Might Be Wrong

Breeding mini Weimaraners can be wrong on so many levels. I know you’re sad to hear that. I am, too. If only there was a way to achieve the small size without having to mess with genetics!

Of all the ways of receiving the mini size, crossbreeding is the least severe one. Other ways include breeding dogs with dwarfism, and breeding litter runts. We’re about to discuss that in-depth.

Breeding Dogs With Dwarfism

Have you heard of dwarfism? It’s a condition that affects a dog’s growth, and makes him stay small for his entire life. Dogs with dwarfism don’t develop as other dogs do. Their mental development goes on normally, but their body falls behind.

The main culprit for this sort of change is the dwarfism gene.

Now, where did we see dogs that look like dwarfs? Oh, right! Dachshunds and Corgis surely have dwarfism genes.

This genetic mutation is the reason why dogs like Doxies have short and stubby legs and a long body. What many people don’t know is that Weimaraner dogs have their own type of dwarfism called Pituitary Dwarfism.

If a Weim suffers from Pituitary Dwarfism, he will be a 100% Weim, but he’ll only have this condition. That’s still a purebred dog. However, I don’t promote getting dogs with genetic mutations because they can cause other issues.

Pituitary Dwarfism is not harmless at all. Dogs that survive more than a few weeks with this mutation are true miracles. To be honest, I don’t think there are any adult Weims with Pituitary Dwarfism alive.

Breeding Litter Runts

Breeding two litter runts to get the Miniature Weimaraner is a common practice. But, it’s not a fast one. To get the desired size, you’ll need to spend many years breeding generations of litter runts. The process takes time and effort, and you can still end up with a pup that is severely prone to health issues.

Another huge advantage of breeding litter runts is that you’ll get purebred puppies. But, at what cost? Do you even know what the real issue is with litter runts?

Okay, imagine the situation. Your Weim female just gave birth to a bunch of adorable puppies. There are six lovely little pooches that all seem quite normal. However, as time goes by, you notice something odd with one of the puppies.

He’s the smallest one of them all, and normally struggles to get food or even mommy’s attention. I’m not saying dog moms aren’t the best, but it seems as if they set a distance with the weakest puppies. Dog moms have a feeling about which puppy will survive and which won’t.

That’s why litter runts are always cast aside. If the human doesn’t take care of it, he won’t make it.

But, breeders of Miniature Weimaraners pay special attention to litter runts because they bring them the much-wanted compact size.

Sadly, litter runts are often carriers of multiple genetic conditions. They are not in pristine health and they never will be.

When getting a Miniature Weimaraner, make sure your puppy has no hereditary conditions, and even has health test results as a warranty.

What Are The Potential Health Risks Of Getting A Mini Weimaraner?

A mini Weimaraner is lying on a pillow

Photo from: @leda_from_weimar

Mini Weimaraners need to stay fit to prevent obesity. In fact, all dogs should get the proper amount of exercise. Not only does it promote good weight, but it also reduces the chances of developing some health problems.

Miniature Weimaraners are especially prone to having severe health problems. Sadly, those issues are a result of poor breeding practices. All Weims are equally susceptible to the following conditions:

Hip dysplasia

Elbow dysplasia


Hemophilia A

Von Willebrand’s Disease

Skin Tumors


Spina Bifida


When we compare male vs female Weims, you’ll notice that there is zero difference between them in terms of their health status. Spina Bifida doesn’t choose which Weim to strike. Entropion can happen to all pooches, and bloat is a whole other condition that must be taken care of.

The important thing is to have your Miniature Weimaraner regularly checked by the vet, especially since this is a puppy from a really questionable breeding practice.

If you really must, you can get a Miniature Weimaraner. But, I always recommend putting the dog’s health first, and then thinking of the size, appearance, temperament, etc. second. Mini Weims are pawdorable, but the cost of their beauty lies in this section and throughout the entire article.

Where Do You Get A Mini Weim?

Mini Weim is sitting on the grass

Photo from: @leda_from_weimar

Before you put your hands on that pawdorable little Weim, you should know a few things about picking the right puppy, and how to spot the right breeder.

I always encourage potential buyers, especially if it’s a matter of buying a mixed breed dog, to think twice and look for the signs of a good breeder.

It’s always tricky to find a good and reputable breeder of a pup that’s usually being brought into the world by using unethical procedures. As you could see from some sections before, breeding mini Weimaraners can be wrong. When I say wrong, I mean it could cause irreparable damage to the dog’s health.

I’d like you to read some signs of good breeders and bad breeders!

How To Spot A Good Breeder

A good breeder is someone who really cares about the well-being of their puppies. This is a person who usually breeds for a long time, preferably someone who has been in the business for decades. Normally, I don’t trust breeders with under five years of experience unless they prove to me they’re worthy.

Go with someone who thinks of breeding dogs as their hobby… something they do out of love and pleasure. Of course, many professional breeders say that’s their full-time job, but I wouldn’t call it a job if you’re doing something with immense love. I think we can all agree with this one.

A good breeder doesn’t keep their dogs just anywhere around the house. Usually, you’ll spot a bad breeder if he keeps the dogs locked up in a filthy facility. Reputable breeders would never allow that to happen. They love to keep their dogs running freely through the house. Some even sleep in their beds!

The bottom line is that people you can trust don’t think of dogs just as dogs. They’re equal family members, and they expect you to treat their puppies the same way.

Besides these signs, you should pay attention to which health tests the breeder submits their dogs to, what kind of health guarantee he offers, what he demands in return, is there a puppy contract, and also additional treatments, i.e., deworming, microchipping, etc.

Scammers, puppy mills, and pet shops will never offer you a health guarantee, and that’s the first warning sign that should scare you away from buying that puppy.


Since the mini Weimaraner is still a new addition to the family, you will definitely have a hard time finding it. I’m not saying reputable Weim breeders should carry mini Weims, but maybe some do. You never know when someone might change their breeding program.

If you’re interested, you can contact the following Weim breeders to check if they know something about the smaller (possibly cuter) version of our Weim!

Here, you have PupVine’s top Weim breeder picks. Unfortunately, that’s about it for Weim breeders on our website. Ontario has some pretty pawesome people who breed Weimaraners, but the demand isn’t too high in the States.

Still, I believe the tables will turn in favor of mini Weimaraners!

How Much Should I Pay For A Mini Weim?

Weimaraners don’t cost much.

There’s really no rule anymore regarding dog prices. Back in the days, purebred dogs were too expensive, and rarely did anyone want to buy a puppy from a breeder. High quality will always cost more.

Today, I was quite surprised when I found out Weimaraner puppies cost around $1,000. That’s usually the initial purchase price of a Weim puppy.

So, how much should a mini Weimaraner cost?

The price should not differ from the price of a regular Weimaraner. These dogs are super-affordable compared to some other dog breeds. Small, fashionable pups always cost more than purebred dogs of larger size.

If you manage to find a good breeder who will introduce you to the love of your life, a.k.a., the mini Weimaraner, prepare a budget for $1,000 plus additional costs. The breeder will take care of the basic stuff, such as vaccinations and deworming, but you still need to keep taking your dog to the vet’s office, and buy him supplies.

The cost of living with a mini Weimaraner can be as big as living with a normal Weim. The only good thing is that you won’t need as much food as you’d need if you were feeding an 80-pound ghost!

Interesting Weimaraner Mixes

Weimaraner Pitbull mix

Photo from: @lovelypink.mimi

Weimaraners are truly incredible dogs, with a work ethic you can only envy. A lot of dog lovers and breeders have decided to breed Weimaraner dogs with other breeds just to get some of those pawesome Weim genes.

Weimaraner mixed dogs are as great as their parents. Since the Weim is a pretty big dog, most people will opt for a smaller version with the same genes. It’s not uncommon to see a Mini Weimaraner bred with some other breeds to keep the small size and good temperament.

Dog breeders usually feature the following Weimaraner mixes as great family pets even for families with small children:

Weimaraner Pitbull mix

Vizsla Weimaraner mix

Boxer Weimaraner mix

Rottweiler Weimaraner mix

Dalmatian Weimaraner mix

Miniature Schnauzer Weimaraner mix

German Shorthaired Pointer Weimaraner mix

Golden Retriever Weimaraner mix

Labrador Retriever Weimaraner mix

Great Dane Weimaraner mix


What Is The Lifespan Of A Weimaraner And A Mini Weimaraner?

Standard Weimaraners are dogs blessed with a long lifespan. If you take good care of your Weim, he can live from 11 to 14 years.

That’s pretty good for a bigger dog if you take into consideration the fact that they usually live a shorter lifespan than toy dog breeds.

What about the Mini Weimaraner? Do they have the same lifespan as normal Weims?

Sadly, there is no precise information on how long Miniature Weimaraners live. Let’s stop for a second and remember where mini Weims come from. Some of them are a result of crossbreeding, some are litter runt puppies, and others are dogs with dwarfism.

Of all these categories, as a result of crossbreeding, Mini Weims can live the longest. Your Weim will get genes from the other parent breed, which will add years to his count. Also, there’s a good chance that the Weim would have something called hybrid vigor.

Weim dogs with dwarfism rarely live to see their first birthday.

What Are The Weimaraner’s Colors?

Weimaraner dogs are known as gray ghosts. We all know that, right? Well, the gray shade isn’t the only coat color of Weims. All specimens of this dog breed can also come in two other approved shades. But, mouse gray, silver gray, and light gray aren’t the only Weimaraner coat colors.

We have some rare coat options, too!

What’s interesting is that Mini Weims are especially prone to getting rare colors due to their origin. Rare colors are not officially accepted because they’re often a result of genetic malfunctions. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Can You Enroll Mini Weimaraners Into Dog Shows?

If you try to enroll your mini Weimaraner in any of the AKC-approved dog shows, you’ll get a big fat ‘no’.

This type of Weim can’t be shown at dog shows because it’s not an officially recognized size. As far as the AKC is concerned, the only accepted Weimaraner is the regular Weimaraner.

You see, the official kennel club in America really pays special attention to a dog’s health. A healthy dog will look great and behave properly. They won’t judge a pup based only on its appearance.

I always repeat that inner beauty is far more important than outside looks.

So, no… don’t try to enroll your Mini Weim into dog shows. You won’t be able to participate.

However, if you’re really that interested in dog shows, try searching for events created only for fun where all kinds of dogs can enroll and hang out together.


So, how do you like our mini Weimaraner pup? I know… it’s a lot of information to process. I was the same when I first met the mini Weim. The confusion for me was the fact that some dog breeds have legit miniature versions of themselves while others don’t.

Why shouldn’t a standard Weimaraner have its miniature version? I mean, Poodles have it! Why are Poodles better than Weims?

Seriously, AKC – you need to loosen the chains and let the popularity of a breed speak for itself. If people want mini Weims to be official, then give them that opportunity.

Of course, I don’t encourage anyone to buy a puppy with a questionable health status. Health always comes first.

I know the mini Weimaraner is the cutest little gray ghost ever, but consider adopting one if the one you find clearly suffers from some condition. There’s nothing worse than having your dog ill, and you unable to help him.

Read Next: Vizsla Vs Weimaraner: Which Breed Is Better For Your Family
