A Corgi Dalmatian Mix – Why You Should (Not) Get This Dog

No matter how old you are, you have probably watched Disney’s 101 Dalmatians at least once in your lifetime. This cute, spotted dog breed is one of the most easily recognized dogs worldwide.

The Corgi is another well-known dog breed that was popularized, thanks to the Internet. This cute pooch on short legs is considered one of the cutest canines out there!

Once you know all this, it doesn’t come as a surprise that people decided to try combining these two breeds to create a new designer dog that still doesn’t have an official name (although some people call them the Corgimatians), so it’s known simply as the Corgi Dalmatian mix.

These cute dogs with spots seem to have everything one would want in a family pet! They are adorable dogs with cute personalities. Still, nothing is perfect, and there are a few downsides to owning this crossbreed. We’ll explain.

A Corgi Dalmatian Mix

corgi dalmatian mix

Photo from: @whoispieba

A Corgi Dalmatian mix is one of the latest designer dogs that was created to cater to people’s desires while eliminating the flaws of its purebred parent breeds.

Many dog owners love Dalmatians because they associate them with the puppies from the famous movie. However, these dogs tend to grow to a height of up to 24 inches, making them fall into the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) Medium Dog Breed category.

Opposite to that, a Corgi Dalmatian mix will likely stay the size of a puppy throughout its life! While still fairly larger than a Pug or a Chihuahua, it’ll stay small in size.

This is a companion dog that will stay with you for 12 to 15 years, making it one of the longest living dog breeds.


Designer dog breeds became extremely popular in the 2000s, and as the years are going by, more and more crossbreeds have been made.

Of course, mutts have been with us forever. However, what’s different between them and modern crossbreeds is that the latter ones are intentional and controlled, while mutts are accidental.

When it comes to the Corgi Dalmatian, this mix hasn’t been with us for very long. Its exact origins are unknown, but it is supposed that the crossbreed was created to get a short-legged dog with a spotted pattern. When we look at the parent breeds, it’s easy to see why this is a good combination.

The Dalmatian dog is believed to originate from Romainan spotted dogs. As the dog was bred in Croatia, it likely got its name from the Dalmatia region. This is a guard dog and a working dog that was used for a wide range of duties. Nowadays, it’s used as a firehouse mascot in the USA.

On the other hand, Corgis come from Wales where they were used as herding dogs; hence, their short stature and high energy levels.

Many people don’t realize that there are two Corgi breeds: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. However, the only relevant difference in this case is the existence of a tail in Cardigans.

Dalmatian Corgi Mix Puppies

corgi dalmatian

Photo from: @perdy_thecorgimatian

A Corgi Dalmatian is made by mating a female purebred Dalmatian with a male purebred Corgi. If it’s the other way around, you would be risking the puppies being too large for the mother Corgi, so giving birth might be challenging.

It is possible to get a second-generation Dalmatian Corgi, but this is rare. This crossbreed isn’t common, so finding two dogs with similar features can be somewhat challenging.

Some breeders also prefer adding Poodles to the mix as this can lead to creating dogs that are more suitable to allergy sufferers. However, as it’s difficult to get a hypoallergenic dog this way, and Poodle genes could mess up the crossbreed’s appearance, this isn’t a common practice.

Why You Should Get This Crossbreed

While not as popular as a Golden Retriever Corgi mix, a Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix,or a Corgi Labrador mix, this crossbreed is still very sought-after. Many dog owners would love to have a Corgi Dalmatian puppy.

Here are a few reasons why these pups can make amazing pets:

1. They Are Among the Cutest Dogs Out There!

corgi and dalmatian in nature

Ideally, a Corgi Dalmatian mix will look like a Dalmatian on short legs. In other words, it will have the same coat pattern as its Dalmatian parent, but with short, sturdy legs and the elongated body of a Corgi.

The height of this crossbreed should be 10-14 inches, but it might be taller if it takes after its Dalmatian parent. If this is the case, then your dog might be as tall as 20 inches! Most Corgi Dalmatian mixed dogs will weigh between 20 and 50 lbs.

Just like Dalmatians, these dogs have a white base coat with black spots in a random formation. Some might even have black ears or tails (if they have a tail!). As this specific coat pattern is what made Dalmatians such popular dogs, it’s very desirable in its crossbreeds as well.

The head of this crossbreed should be slightly flattened, although it can sometimes be a bit more fox-like. Its eyes are almond shaped and dark, and its ears are large, no matter if they are floppy or erect.

All of this makes them one of the cutest dogs out there! You don’t believe us? Just look up their pictures on Imgur or similar websites! Aren’t they adorable?

2. They Will Cheer You Up

The Corgi Dalmatian mix is the right dog if you’re looking for a playful companion that will cheer up you and all of your family members. Both the Corgi and the Dalmatian are extremely cheerful dogs that will try to keep everyone happy.

These dogs are a great choice if you’re looking for a pup that will wag its tail every time you call it. They’re always ready to play as they are full of energy. Whenever you want to go out or play a game of fetch, these doggies will be up for it.

This also makes them great playmates for children as their high energy is compatible with that of kids. They can spend hours playing in the back yard, and they’ll be excellent companions.

While Corgi Dalmatians can get bored, all it takes is a few high-quality dog toys and they’ll have enough to keep them busy for a long while. Not to mention that the sight of such a unique-looking pup playing with a squeaky toy will also bring you joy!

3. They Are Fairly Healthy.

cute corgimatian on grass

Corgi Dalmatians, just like all other hybrid dogs, have something that is called hybrid vigor. This is a trait that occurs when you mix a dog’s gene pool.

Purebred dogs, including both Corgis and Dalmatians, but also any other breed of dog such as Shar Peis or Pitbulls, are often a product of inbreeding in order to keep their bloodlines pure. This isn’t the case with crossbreeds.

As crossbreeds are made by combining two genetically different dog breeds, there are much greater chances of inheriting only good genes, while bad genes that carry diseases don’t get passed on.

This means that mixed-breed dogs tend to have a longer lifespan and are overall healthier compared to purebred dogs.

4. They Can Make Good Family Dogs

This is a crossbreed made from two loyal dog breeds. They will love you and be by your side all the time. Some might even consider them a bit clingy!

They are playful and full of energy, so they make great companions for somewhat older kids. Also, as they are smart, they can learn how to behave rather quickly.

These are friendly dogs with an outgoing nature. They will love meeting new friends and people as long as you’ve socialized them in time! If they are used to new situations, people, and animals, it would seem like everyone loves them to death.

They are also very brave dogs, which comes as no surprise if we’ve looked at the history of their parent breeds. A dog whose ancestors were firefighter dogs cannot be cowardly!

While not necessarily great watchdogs due to their friendly nature, they will do all they can to protect you from intruders and strangers, especially if they’ve entered a Corgi Dalmatian mix’s territory.

Another good trait of these dogs is their size. They are just the perfect size to be great companions for older children! They aren’t large enough to knock a child over during rough playtime, but they are large enough to keep them safe from accidental harm.

Overall, if you’re looking for an amazing family pet that will always be there for you, this might be the right crossbreed for you.

Why You Shouldn’t Get This Mixed Breed

While there are many good sides to owning a Corgi Dalmatian, these pups are not for everyone. There are a few things you should be wary of if you want to keep them happy and healthy.

Here are a few downsides you need to keep in mind:

1. Their Appearance Is Unpredictable

cute corgi dalmatian mix dog

Photo from: @corgimatian

The biggest downside to all designer breeds is how unpredictable their appearance is.

Unlike purebred dogs such as Border Collies, Bulldogs, Huskies, or Beagles, mixed breed dogs don’t exist long enough to have a breed standard. This is why the AKC, the FCI, and the UKC don’t recognize them.

Crossbreed puppies can take any feature from any of their parent breeds. In the case of a Corgi Dalmatian, in the same litter, you can get a puppy that looks entirely like a Corgi and a puppy that looks just like a Dalmatian!

While most puppies will follow the general appearance that we’ve described, there is a huge chance of puppies not turning out the way you want or expect them to. This is why not many breeders want to dive into such a challenge.

This applies to more than just a dog’s appearance. The dog’s temperament can also be a mixture of any or all of its parent’s traits. Unfortunately, the same applies to its health. You can never be entirely sure what you’re getting into.

2. They Can Be Challenging to Train

No matter the dog’s size, you need to train and socialize your pup. Proper obedience training and socialization are the keys to having a well-behaved pup that won’t endanger anyone, including itself.

However, just like with any other Corgi crossbreed, this can become tricky. These dogs are very stubborn, and they might not want to listen to you. They can be moody, and if today is not their day, they won’t care too much about what you have to say.

It doesn’t help that Dalmatians can also be somewhat stubborn, but not nearly as much as Corgis. Still, this means that no matter which temperament of the parent the Corgi Dalmatian mix inherited, training might not be easy.

Positive reinforcement is very important with these dogs. Both parent breeds react well to treats, so rewarding them when they do something right is a great way to ensure that they do what you want them to do.

Don’t scold them or yell at them. Dalmatians are very sensitive dogs, and chances are the Corgi Dalmatian mix will be the same. They won’t respond well to harsh words, so you should only stick to praise.

Another reason why socialization is important is that both Dalmatians and Corgis can be cautious of strangers. While Dalmatians used to be watchdogs, the Corgi is quite territorial, so both might not do well with new people and animals.

Fortunately, these are intelligent dogs that can learn to respond to commands very quickly – as long as they feel like obeying. If you manage to find a tactic that will make them want to learn, then they’ll be trained in no time.

3. They Tend to Shed a Lot

cute corgimatian with sad eyes

Corgis have a medium-length double coat that includes a very thick undercoat and a longer outercoat. It’s easy to see that they are heavy-shedders. Dalmatians, while sporting short fur, also tend to shed moderately to frequently.

All of this means that the Corgi Dalmatian mix is a shedder. This makes it inadequate for people with severe dog allergies or people who don’t feel like having to clean a dog’s fur from every corner of their house.

These pups require daily brushing to keep the loose hair at bay. This will also help their hair look healthy and free of any debris.

You should also bathe them every few months – or even more if they get dirty. Just keep in mind to use a safe dog shampoo.

You should also clip their nails regularly, but be mindful that you shouldn’t overcut. If you cut them too short, then you’re risking hurting their nerves and blood vessels.

At the same time, as these designer dogs are prone to dental infections, you should brush their teeth regularly in order to ensure good dental hygiene. Ear cleaning is also important as these pups are prone to ear infections that can result in deafness.

In fact, it might be easier to simply take your dog to a professional groomer every two to three months. While this does cost, a groomer will know how to take care of your pooch’s fur, nails, and ears without hurting him.

4. They Aren’t Good For Families with Small Children

While they make excellent family pets for people with somewhat older children, they don’t do that well with little kids. There are several reasons behind this.

First off, Corgis have very strong herding instincts that this crossbreed can inherit. These dogs will confuse active children with cattle and sheep and herd them by nipping their heels. While this behavior won’t hurt your child, it can disturb or traumatize them.

Also, since Corgis are frequent barkers, you can expect this crossbreed to bark a lot. This can wake up a sleeping baby or disturb any other family member. Fortunately, the Dalmatian genes might soften this trait.

Finally, these aren’t the most patient dogs out there. If your child doesn’t know how to behave around pets, your Corgi Dalmatian mix will let them know. They can snap at children who touch their noses, ears, or tails, and while they’ll rarely bite, this isn’t a pleasant sight.

5. They Can Still Experience Some Health Issues

cute corgimatian

Photo from: @perdy_thecorgimatian

While healthier than its purebred parents, the Corgi Dalmatian mix can still experience many health problems. In fact, theoretically, it can get any genetic disorder from any of its parents. This means that these pups should still be checked for plenty of diseases and conditions.

To understand the health of a Corgi Dalmatian mix, you need to be aware of the health of a purebred Corgi and a purebred Dalmatian.

Corgis are fairly healthy dogs that usually live up to 13 years. Most of its possible health problems are connected with its joints and spine as the specific genetic mutation that causes its short stature can also negatively affect its bones.

Overall, a Corgi can suffer from:

• Intervertebral Disc Disease

• Hip dysplasia

• Elbow dysplasia

• Epilepsy

• Degenerative myelopathy

• Lens luxation

• Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

• Von Willebrand’s disease

• Urinary stones

On the other hand, a Dalmatian can suffer from:

• Hip dysplasia

• Deafness

• Hyperuricemia

• Urinary stones

• Laryngeal paralysis

In fact, Dalmatians are prone to a lot of unique diseases and conditions. This is why many people avoid choosing them as pets.

Despite this, Dalmatians also have a fairly decent lifespan as they usually live between 10 and 13 years.

Corgi Dalmatian Mix Puppies For Sale

corgimatian lying home

Photo from: @perdy_thecorgimatian

If you’re interested in owning a Corgi Dalmatian mix, you might wonder where to purchase one, and how expensive they are.

Your best option would be to find a reputable breeder who specializes in this crossbreed. This will ensure that you have bought a healthy pup without any behavioral issue.

While this is the most expensive option, especially considering how much do Corgis cost, there are several good reasons behind the possibly high price.

Responsible breeders will do all that they can to ensure they sell you a puppy without any genetic defect. They conduct health screenings on all their dogs, and they make sure that the parent dogs are perfectly healthy before mating them.

Most will also repeat these tests on their puppies just to double-check if everything is fine healthwise.

Some breeders will even start behavioral training as well as socializing their puppies. Since the first few weeks of life are the most important ones when it comes to socialization, this is essential for having a friendly, obedient dog later on.

You might also find some breeders who sell their puppies at a much lower price than most other listings. This usually indicates that you’re dealing with back yard breeders.

Back yard breeders don’t necessarily breed dogs in their back yard. They are mostly dog owners who have ended up with unwanted puppies that they’ve decided to find a new home for.

While there is nothing necessarily wrong with this, and most of these people mean well, there are a few issues with this selling method. Most of them stem from the fact that back yard breeders aren’t overly informed or experienced in dog breeding.

Another option is to buy your Corgi Dalmatian from a Puppy Mill or a Pet Store. However, both of these are considered to be a bad choice.

Puppy Mills are places where dogs are kept with the intent of being bred. These are a sort of factory that produces puppies, which means they don’t really care about the quality of their litters.

Most of these puppies aren’t properly socialized or even kept in decent conditions. Also, most of them will be sold to pet shops, which will later resell them.

Finally, you might try to find a Corgi Dalmatian mix at a local adoption shelter or a humane society. While the chances are slim, it’s still possible to find crossbreeds at such places, and the only cost you should expect are adoption fees.

Still, it’s important to keep in mind that you cannot know the history of a dog that has been left in a shelter. This doesn’t just include its potentially abusive past, but also its health and possible behavioral problems.

Is A Dalmatian Corgi Mix Right For You?

corgimatian in park

Photo from: @corgimatian

As you can see, there are plenty of pros and cons to owning a Corgi Dalmatian mix. Overall, these dogs make amazing family pets, but there are a few things you should be mindful of.

First off, no one can predict what a mixed breed will look like. While this isn’t important to many dog owners, it can still be an issue if you end up with a much larger dog than you expected.

Luckily, there is a noticeable pattern, and most of these dogs end up looking like spotted Corgis.

While they are friendly once socialized, these dogs can also be quite cautious toward strangers. In fact, they can be quite territorial and dominant, which can be a problem if you have small kids or prey animals.

Training them should be very easy, thanks to their intelligence. However, if they have inherited their Corgi parent’s temperament, they can be quite stubborn and unwilling to learn, which will make this process challenging.

Despite hybrid vigor, the Corgi Dalmatian mix can still suffer from a few health problems – most notably, hip dysplasia and other bone-related issues. This is a result of its short frame, which affects its spine.

Although you can find this crossbreed at many places, it is always best to purchase only from reputable breeders who pay for all the necessary genetic testing and beginning stages of socialization and training.

Whether or not a Corgi Dalmatian mix is the right dog for you depends solely on your wants and expectations. If you don’t mind a few downsides of owning this dog, you can see for yourself why people are falling in love with them.

All designer breeds come with their own set of challenges, but their uniqueness and quirkiness easily make them stand out from the rest!

Read Next: Dalmatian Poodle Mix: A Spot On Adorable Doodle!

A Corgi Dalmatian Mix - Why You Should (Not) Get This Crossbreed

A Corgi Dalmatian Mix - Why You Should (Not) Get This Crossbreed
