Adorable Puppy Was Found In Critical Condition After He Was Cruelly Dumped By His Owners


Even though the staff at the veterinary clinic has the cutest patients, they are sometimes faced with tragic cases that leave them heartbroken.

Mochi found himself at the veterinary clinic, thanks to the incredible rescuers who rushed to his aid after his hoomans currently abandoned him in the middle of nowhere.

The poor guy was in a very critical condition, but luckily, he was in very good hands.

Finally Safe

adorable white puppy
Source: Animal Rescue

When he arrived at the clinic, Mochi was extremely malnourished, weighing only two pounds. He was also diagnosed with parvovirus, a highly contagious viral disease that commonly causes acute gastrointestinal illness in pups.

The vet team immediately started him on all the necessary treatments to make him feel better, and after only eight days, Moci started showing incredible signs of improvement.

white puppy with critical condition
Source: Animal Rescue

Thrilled with his progress, his medical team decided that it would be for the best if he continued his recovery journey in a foster home where he would be able to decompress and relax completely.

Not even five days later, Mochi was doing great. He was super active, playful, and happy. It was obvious that a loving home was the perfect remedy for this adorable little guy, providing him with much-needed comfort and affection.

white puppy sleeping
Source: Animal Rescue

New Life

A month passed by, and Mochi’s health was in perfect condition!

He was eagerly waiting for the perfect family to come in, swoop him from his paws, and give him the life of his dreams. And luckily, it didn’t take too much time for somebody to do just that.

white puppy and toy
Source: Animal Rescue

When a woman saw just how precious this sweet boy was, she knew that her life would be complete if he was in it.

As soon as she approached him, Mochi immediately fell in love and ever since then, they became inseparable.

white puppy laying down
Source: Animal Rescue

Mochi is finally a part of a loving family, spending his days having pawsome adventures, eating yummy treats, and having warm snuggles with his hooman.

He was able to completely forget about his dark past and embrace his new, incredible life.

Good job, Mochi!

woman holding white puppy
Source: Animal Rescue

Final Word

Mochi’s story is the perfect example of what a loving environment can do for a pup.

If it wasn’t for his incredible vet team, along with his loving foster and hooman, who knows what would have happened to this sweet pup?

That is why it is so important to make sure that your furry friends are constantly surrounded by love and adoration. And if, for whatever reason, you can no longer provide them with such a crucial thing, please consider surrendering them to somebody who can.

Do not do what Mochi’s previous owners did to him – nobody deserves such a cruel fate!
