Shelter Staff Shocked After Owners Surrender Their 13-Year-Old Pup Because They Don’t Have Time For Her


A pup named Elsie showered her owners with love her whole life, but they renounced her like they never cared for her at all. 

The shelter staff felt shocked after they learned the reason why the doggo’s owners surrendered their 13-year-old dog. The family told them that Elsie was “requiring too much.”

Once she found herself in a shelter kennel, Elsie felt lonely and confused. She missed her family, and she kept wondering why they left her. 

After realizing that they were not coming back for her, the pup felt heartbroken.

Elsie Feels Hopeful Again

blind black dog
Source: @chrissyrescuer

Elsie quickly realized that the noisy shelter environment was far different from the comfortable and warm home she once had.

Luckily, Forgotten Now Family Rescue, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, pulled her out of the shelter and took her under their care.

Elsie needed to forget all the memories of her past life and focus on her present. 

Her rescue friends snuggled with her and gave her their affection and support, wishing to mend her broken heart. 

Elsie began feeling less lonely. The sweet pup sensed that she could trust her new friends, and she began smiling more. 

The doggo’s resilient spirit and her eyes that began glimmering with hope melted the staffers’ hearts.

Despite the heartbreak that the pup endured, she was the sweetest girl who had a lot of love to give.

Life In A Foster Home 

happy black dog giving a paw
Source: @chrissyrescuer

Elsie was placed in a loving foster home. She started relaxing and soaking up all the affection her fosters gave her.

Chrissy Elder, the founder of the rescue, wanted to find her a loving home with her whole heart. She knew that life in the shelter would be too hard for Elsie.

“Elsie doesn’t belong in a shelter. She belongs right back on her dog bed. She deserves lying there and wiggling all over when her new best friend comes home. She deserves someone to enjoy this life with her in her final years. She’s got so much love and life left,” Elder told Newsweek.

She posted a video of Elsie and told her heartbreaking story on her TikTok account. She hoped that the adorable senior pup would steal the hearts of her forever family.

A wonderful woman came across Elsie’s video and fell in love with her. She decided to adopt her.

Elsie Finds Her Humans

happy black dog standing
Source: @chrissyrescuer

Elsie’s rescue friends were thrilled when they learned that their adorable girl found a loving family.

With her heart filled with happiness, Elsie started a new life in her forever home in Belmont, North Carolina.

happy dog in the car
Source: Amy Shapiro Bossard

Her humans showered her with affection. Elsie enjoyed cuddling with them, taking in all their love. The pup was a real love bug.

The lovely pooch was glad to meet her new furry siblings, who gave her a warm welcome.

Elsie was glowing with joy. She felt that her new family’s home was the place where she belonged.

@chrissyrescuer 13 years of wagging her tail when they entered the room. 13 years of making their house a home. She was a loyal best friend …then they said she is requiring too much and they can’t keep her anymore. In her senior years when she’s given her best to them they chose to drop her off at the shelter. She stands at the kennel door being her same sweet soul self . She smiles and wags all over for just a moment of someone still loving her. Elsie doesn’t belong in a shelter. She belongs right back on her dog bed. She deserves laying there and wiggling all over when her new best friend comes home. She deserves someone to enjoy this life with her in her final years. She’s got so much love and life left. We can never un do the heart shatter her family caused her the day they gave up on her but we can try to piece her sweet heart back together with every good memory . My hope is we find her an adopter that loves her so much in her golden years she finds nothing but joy. I hope she sees this moment as her chance to get back up and find so much happiness. #seniordog #bestfriend #shelterdog #newstart #hospice #adopt #rescuedog #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #oldlady ♬ Look After You – The Fray
