Roscoe Got His Freedom Back After A Woman Unchained Him From A Tree


Sometimes it’s important to have good neighbors aside from having good family ties. Sometimes your neighbor will come by and help before anyone else does. But sometimes, your neighbor can be the meanest person in the world.

Rebeka from Plant City, Florida knows this very well. She never really thought about her neighbors down the street until she saw something that triggered both anger and sadness inside her. 

Two houses down from her, sitting tied to a small tree with a three-foot-long chain, was a sad-looking dog. He was sitting patiently, waiting for someone to show him that kindness hasn’t gone extinct. 

the dog sits and looks away
Photo from: Pinterest

He had no water bowl, no roof over his head. He only had that chain and the purpose of serving as a bait dog. 

From that position, day after day, the dog looked at Rebeka as if he were begging her to come by. And that’s exactly what Rebeka did. 

It was a hot summer day when Rebeka marched over the two yards that separated her from the dog. There were his owners, taunting the dog with the water hose. The poor fella was so thirsty he tried to catch water droplets. 

a sad dog is sitting on the grass
Photo from: Unsplash

Rebeka offered them money to buy the dog, but the owners refused, saying the dog had to be chained because he always ran away. Well, there’s no wonder he was running away from such appalling conditions! 

That didn’t stop Rebeka. She kept on bringing food and water to the dog every day, always asking to buy him. Despite getting Animal Control involved, the owners always seemed to have a way to avoid being caught. 

Eventually, Rebeka had to stop feeding the dog, or she wouldn’t have a case against his owners. 

The separation didn’t last long. 

It was the weekend when a terrible storm raged all over and destroyed the little tree the dog was chained to. Rebeka found him in her garage, hiding, fearful, and begging her to save him.

lightning strike
Photo from: Unsplash

He had duct tape on his mouth and severe wounds on his neck that were bleeding. 

It was that moment when the dog became Rebeka’s. She named him Roscoe. 

The previous owners reluctantly agreed to give Roscoe away, but only after the police intervened. The police probably saw how determined they both were to stay together. 

Roscoe’s been doing well from then on. He and Rebeka moved shortly after. But, Roscoe still hasn’t forgotten his past life. He still has nightmares and shakes violently as his legs run in place. The only thing that calms him down is Rebeka’s cuddles. 

the dog leaning against the wall is sleeping
Photo from: Pixabay

Roscoe finally found a home in Plant City, Florida with Rebeka, where he’s appreciated. The water bowl is always full, the food is plentiful, and cuddles are always there when he needs them. 

He will definitely never run away from this home or be chained ever again.
