First birthday after 9 years in the rescue camp, can Herry get some love

Sara Kome Mrs

Herry had been in the rescue camp for nine years. Nine long years of watching other dogs get adopted while he remained alone. Today was his birthday, a day that usually filled him with a sense of hope, but this year, it felt particularly bleak.

Herry was a sweet, gentle soul, a golden retriever with a heart of gold. He was loyal, affectionate, and always eager to please. But despite his wonderful qualities, no one had ever chosen him. People often commented on his age, saying he was “too old” or “too slow.” But Herry didn’t care about age. He just wanted a loving home.

As the day wore on, Herry wandered through the shelter, his tail drooping sadly. He sniffed at his empty food bowl and looked longingly out the window. He missed the feeling of a warm lap, the sound of a familiar voice, and the comfort of a loving family.

Just as Herry was about to give up hope, he heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of a door opening and closing. He looked up and saw a woman walking towards him. She was carrying a leash and a bag of treats.

“Hello there,” the woman said, smiling. “My name is Emily. I’ve been looking for a dog to adopt.”

Herry’s heart raced with excitement. Could this be it? Could this be the day he finally found a home? As Emily knelt down and petted him, Herry knew that he had finally found his forever family.
