I got hurt on my birthday today, hope to receive everyone’s prayers

Sara Kome Mrs

Juli had no memory of a home, of warmth, or of love. The world was a harsh mistress, a concrete jungle where survival was the only law. Two years of scavenging for scraps, finding shelter in abandoned buildings, and enduring the biting cold had turned the once playful puppy into a wary survivor.

Then, one day, everything changed. A kind-hearted woman, Sarah, saw something in Juli’s tired eyes. Perhaps it was the resilience, the silent plea for a second chance. Whatever it was, she decided to take her home.

The transition was difficult. The warmth of Sarah’s home was a stark contrast to the cold, unforgiving streets. The soft bed, the regular meals, and the gentle touch of human kindness were all new experiences. But gradually, the fear and mistrust began to fade, replaced by a sense of belonging.

Today was different. There was a festive atmosphere in the house, balloons and streamers adorned the living room. Sarah was bustling around, preparing something special. Juli watched with a mix of curiosity and confusion. She had no concept of birthdays, of celebrations, of being the center of attention.

Then, Sarah knelt down, her eyes filled with love. “Happy birthday, Juli,” she said, her voice soft and gentle. A cake, decorated with dog-friendly treats, was placed in front of her. Juli hesitated, unsure of what to do. But the smell of the cake was irresistible. She took a tentative lick, then another.

As she devoured the cake, surrounded by the warmth of her new family, Juli felt a sense of peace she had never known. It was a simple joy, a small victory in a life that had once been defined by struggle. For the first time in her life, she felt truly happy. She was no longer just Juli, a stray dog fighting for survival. She was Juli, a beloved member of a loving family, celebrating her first birthday.
