Mom Knew Something Was Seriously Wrong With Her Puppy When He Started Screaming In Pain


When a dog comes into your life, you love him like your own child and you spend happy and sad moments with him. This is exactly what Kacey and her husband were best convinced of when they adopted a newborn Miniature Dachshund, later named Murphy. 

Murphy was initially supposed to end up in a completely different family, but that didn’t happen due to some health issues. Thus, fate took him to the other side and led him to win the hearts of his new parents quickly.

For a while, everything was quite idyllic and nothing indicated that anything could go wrong. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened one day when Kacey noticed something was wrong with her fur baby.

Heartbreaking Cries

dog laying under blankets
Source: @miloandmurphyweens

In addition to cheering up his parents and all other passers-by with his contagious smile while walking through town, Murphy also loved playing with his furry brother, Milo. He also didn’t hate either cuddling or limitless playing with his beloved mommy.

However, one day, all that rapidly changed and Murphy was a totally different puppy, sadly, in a negative way. He was walking really hunched and screamed whenever his mom picked him up. Kacey knew something was seriously wrong. 

She didn’t hesitate but immediately took him to the veterinary clinic. After the vets examined Murphy, they thought it was a neck sprain so they gave him an injection and medication. He initially felt better, but already the following day, the situation got much worse

woman and very sweet dog
Source: The Dodo

Murphy was screaming in pain and those cries truly broke his mother’s heart. She didn’t wait a minute but immediately rushed him back to the vet and they referred them to a specialist straightaway. 

After Murphy entered the room for the MRI scan, Kacey had no choice but to wait for the results and hope for the best. It was the hardest waiting period in her life.

Devastating Call

sick dog laying down
Source: The Dodo

After the doctors did an MRI scan, Kacey and her husband received a devastating call – they informed them that Murphy was suffering from a very rare condition called acquired hydrocephalus. They also stated that he would most likely need brain surgery. 

The doctors tried with steroids and some other medications, but unfortunately, it wasn’t working. Kacey and her husband had two choices – to put Murphy to sleep or to do a very risky and expensive surgery

The doctors explained that the very fact that surgery is done on the brain makes it very dangerous, i.e., there would be a high chance of complications. They also said that Murphy needed a shunt in his brain because of the amount of abnormal fluid that was inside. 

Given that there was such a percentage of the possibility of complications, it was logical that the owners would think carefully about what decision they would make. The doctors themselves were probably convinced of that.

owner and beautiful dog
Source: @miloandmurphyweens

However, in this case, it wasn’t like that. Because their beloved Murphy meant too much to his parents, especially Kacey, there was no doubt about the decision. 

They decided that Murphy was going to have surgery!

Happy Ending After All

dog eating after surgery
Source: GoFundMe

The surgery lasted for a full six hours, and during that time, Kacey and her husband prayed that everything would end well. 

To their delight, as well as that of the entire staff, it was exactly like that – the operation was successful and there were no complications.

As horrible as the day they found out about Murphy’s condition was for his parents, this day was as happy, and so were all the following days as this sweet puppy recovered and became his old self again. 

He, once again, made all the people who were close to him joyful with his smile, he enjoyed cuddling with his parents and playing with his mom, and he spent time with his furry brother, Milo.

two cute dogs
Source: @miloandmurphyweens

After all these hardships and struggles for bare life, Murphy still met his happy ending

Although his incredible courage played a huge role, if it wasn’t for the unlimited love of his parents, especially his mom, and if they hadn’t made a good decision at a crucial moment, this story would probably have ended completely different.

Fortunately, it was not like that, but it ended in the most positive tone, all thanks to the big hearts of Murphy’s parents, but also to all the good people who donated money for his treatment, and who are still donating for his recovery via GoFundMe. 

@miloandmurphyweens Happy videos of Murphy since his surgery☺️🐾 #fyp #minidachshundpuppy #dachshund #hydrocephalus ♬ Viva La Vida Coldplay sped up – Discord: olmac16
