Masked Men Broke Into Someone’s Yard And Left A Small Bag With 3 Puppies In It


When people want to abandon their dogs, they usually don’t care at all for their wellbeing or in what condition they leave them.

In some cases, they are left in the middle of nowhere to fend for themselves, or on other occasions, the owner dumps them in front of a shelter and leaves.

However, this case was particularly unique, as I admit, I have never seen anything quite like it. 

A group of masked men broke through the back gate of someone’s yard and left a bag with three puppies in it at the doorstep. After that, they just left and a rescuer found them in the morning.

A Bizarre Break-In

puppies in a bag
Source: The Moho

When a woman who lived there saw that the perpetrators broke their gate and left the puppies, thanks to the CCTV footage, she tried calling the authorities to help them.

While there was little chance of finding who did this because they wore masks, the case was reported nevertheless.

This rescuer now had to focus on the three puppies that were at her doorstep. She was still confused as to why the masked men would create such an elaborate plan to leave them.

three adorable puppies
Source: The Moho

Regardless, she immediately took them in and gave them some food to eat. They looked really hungry, and the woman gave them a big meal.

Just as they regained a lot of their strength after eating so much food, they became a lot more playful and hyperactive.

The rescuer noticed that all they wanted was to look around and play, so she gave them some time to just relax.

They Are Very Lucky

puppy getting a bath
Source: The Moho

After a while, she took them all to the bathroom and gave them a warm bath to help get rid of all the fleas.

The woman noticed that the puppies seemed very calm in the bath, and it made her think that they probably had a home before and were used to it.

There is no way to know for sure, but it made sense. Now that they were clean, well-fed, and safe, the rescuer let them play in the yard where they enjoyed spending most of their time.

They always wanted to run around and explore. With the rescuer always watching them, they were happy to be around someone who loved them.

puppies sniffing a hand
Source: The Moho

The puppies, now named Hope, Gerrard, and Kitty, were placed on an adoption list so they could find a forever home.

Soon though, the calls started coming in and people showed interest in adopting. The first to go into her new home was Hope. She was so happy to finally have a family.

Later, Kitty got adopted, and this was good news as there was good hope that Gerrard would also find someone special soon.

While we don’t know if he found his home since then, I am confident that this little puppy is now living his best life and going on many adventures.
