My owner moved away and left me at the old house on my birthday today, I cried a lot

Sara Kome Mrs

Luck was a small, scruffy dog with a heart as big as the world. He had been inseparable from his human companion, Ben, since he was a puppy. But today was different. Today was Luck’s birthday, and Ben was nowhere to be found.

The day before, Ben had packed up his belongings and moved out of the old house. He had promised to take Luck with him, but when the moving truck arrived, Luck was nowhere to be seen. Ben had searched frantically, but he couldn’t find the little dog. In the end, he had to leave without him.

Luck was heartbroken. He had spent his entire life with Ben, and now he was alone. The house felt cold and empty without his familiar scent. Luck wandered from room to room, sniffing at every corner, hoping to find a trace of his beloved owner.

As the day wore on, Luck’s spirits sank. He curled up in Ben’s old armchair, his tail tucked between his legs. He whimpered softly, his eyes filled with tears. He missed Ben more than anything in the world.

The house was quiet and still. Luck could hear the distant sounds of traffic, but it was a lonely sound. He longed for the sound of Ben’s laughter, the feel of his warm hand on his head.

As the sun began to set, Luck went to the window and looked out at the empty street. He remembered the happy times he had spent with Ben, walking in the park, playing fetch, and simply being together.

A single tear rolled down Luck’s cheek. He was so sad and lonely. He didn’t know what he would do without Ben. As darkness fell, Luck curled up in the armchair and fell asleep, dreaming of a time when he wasn’t alone.
