Today is my birthday but I haven’t received any birthday wishes yet

Sara Kome Mrs

Gagi was a small, scruffy dog with a heart of gold. He lived with a loving family in a cozy house, but today was his birthday, and he felt incredibly alone.

Usually, birthdays were a time of excitement and celebration. Gagi would receive treats, toys, and lots of attention from his family. But this year, it was different. No one seemed to remember his special day.

As the day went on, Gagi’s heart grew heavier. He wandered around the house, hoping someone would notice him, would offer him a kind word or a gentle pat. But no one did. He curled up in his favorite spot, his tail tucked between his legs, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Just as Gagi was about to give up hope, he heard a familiar sound – the jingling of keys. His human, Saha, was coming home. Gagi raced to the door, tail wagging furiously.

“Happy birthday, Gagi!” Saha exclaimed, kneeling down to give him a big hug. “I can’t believe I forgot your special day. I’m so sorry.”

Gagi’s heart filled with joy. He had finally been noticed. Sarah apologized again and promised to make it up to him. She gave him a special treat, played fetch with him, and even took him to the park for a long walk.

From that day forward, Gagi’s family made sure to never forget his birthday again. They celebrated with a special meal, lots of playtime, and plenty of love and attention. And Gagi, who had once felt so alone and forgotten, was finally happy and loved.
