Today is my birthday but until now no one has sent me a birthday greeting

Sara Kome Mrs

Anlu was a small, brown puppy with big, sad eyes. He lived alone on the streets, his home a cardboard box nestled under a bridge. Today was his birthday, but there was no one to wish him happy returns.

Usually, birthdays were a happy time, filled with treats and playtime. But Anlu had no one to share his special day with. He curled up in his box, his tail tucked between his legs. Tears rolled down his furry cheeks as he thought about all the other puppies who had families and friends to celebrate with.

As the day wore on, Anlu’s loneliness grew. He wandered the streets, hoping someone would notice him, would offer him a kind word or a gentle pat. But no one did. He returned to his cardboard box, feeling more alone than ever.

Just as Anlu was about to give up hope, he heard a faint sound. It was a gentle bark. He looked up and saw a small, gray kitten approaching him. The kitten, whose name was Luna, had been watching Anlu from a distance and felt sorry for him.

“Happy birthday,” Luna said softly. “I know you’re alone, but you don’t have to be. I can be your friend.”

Anlu’s heart swelled with joy. He had never had a friend before. He wagged his tail and barked happily. From that day forward, Anlu and Luna were inseparable. They played together, slept together, and shared their food. And though they were still homeless, they were no longer lonely.
