Couple Came Home From Vacation To Find An Injured Pup Who Ran Away From His Abusive Home In Their Backyard


When you return home from your vacation, I’m sure that you don’t really expect to have visitors waiting for you in your backyard.

Well, when Kassidy M. and her partner got back home from their holiday one Sunday night, they immediately went to bed since the trip left them pretty exhausted.

However, when they headed out the very next morning, they realized that they managed to miss something quite important.

An Adorable Intruder

pup in the yard
Source: @deadtrumanblack

The couple noticed that in the corner of their backyard was a little puppy.

“We woke up that Monday on our first day back, and when we went to leave for the day, he was sitting quietly in the corner of our backyard,” Kassidy told The Dodo.

They had no idea what had happened to him before or how he ended up there, so they decided to ask around the neighborhood. Since their neighbors also had no information about the pup, the couple knew that they needed to help him.

“It took no time at all to win him over. We are dog people through and through and were immediately giving him as much love as possible, and he was accepting of all of it. We gave him cozy dog beds and blankets, and he just plopped into them and rested,” Kassidy said.

injured pup sitting indoors
Source: @deadtrumanblack

Unfortunately, the pup wasn’t in really good shape but that was soon about to change.

A Brand-New Pup

Now named Mr. Big Baby because of how sweet he is, this sweet boy was completely covered in cuts and scars. This led his new hoomans to conclude that he was involved in dog fighting. On top of this, the more he spent time with the couple, the more they realized that he wasn’t feeling too well.

So they took him to the vet.

pup sleeping
Source: @deadtrumanblack

Prescribing him some antibiotics, the vets hoped they would help clear out his system. And, they were right! The moment he started taking them, he completely transformed from a shy boy to the happiest boy around.

“It was like we had a whole new dog with us. He wanted more attention and wanted to always be with us. He barked for the first time! We thought he was a silent dog until the fifth day we had him. He played with toys and ran outside with us for the first time. His tail wagged constantly and he licked and gave kisses to everything and everyone he met,” Kassidy said.  

As soon as Br. Big found out how good it felt to be loved, he was on his paws and ready to take on the world.

Seeing how adorable and happy he truly was, the couple knew that they had to find an appropriate forever family for him.

photo of pup sleeping
Source: @deadtrumanblack

After a little bit of searching, they found the perfect match.

Fast-forward to today, and Mr. Big is living the best life possible. He spends his days running around his new home and having never-ending playdates with his forever family.

As for his rescuers, it seems as though he left a bigger impact on them than the other way around.

“This experience has made us want to foster more dogs in the future to help ease the stress on dog rescues and find these amazing animals forever homes. We are so lucky he found us,” Kassidy said.
