Today is my birthday, why no one sent me birthday wishes, I cry


### Jeck’s Last Birthday

Jeck, the old dog with a heart full of loyalty, had been with his owner, Mr. Dawson, for as long as he could remember. Fourteen years had passed since the day Mr. Dawson had brought him home as a small, energetic puppy. Those years had been filled with countless memories—long walks in the park, lazy afternoons in the sun, and evenings by the fireplace with Mr. Dawson gently stroking his fur.

But now, as Jeck turned 14, things were different. His once shiny black coat had grown gray around the muzzle, his eyes had lost some of their sharpness, and his legs, which had once carried him on countless adventures, were now weak and tired. The years had taken their toll, and Jeck had developed several health issues that made it difficult for him to get around like he used to.

Today was Jeck’s birthday, and as he lay on his favorite spot by the window, he could feel the weight of the years pressing down on him. He was no longer the spry young dog who could chase after a ball for hours or leap into the air to catch a treat. Now, even standing up was a challenge, and the simplest of tasks left him exhausted.

But Jeck was still the same loyal companion he had always been. He loved Mr. Dawson with all his heart, and even though his body was failing him, his spirit remained strong. He knew that today could be his last birthday, and he wanted to make the most of it.

Mr. Dawson, now an elderly man himself, understood what this day meant to Jeck. He had watched his faithful friend grow old and had taken great care to ensure Jeck was comfortable and loved. Today, he wanted to make Jeck’s birthday special, knowing how much their time together meant.

The morning started with a gentle wake-up call. Mr. Dawson brought Jeck a special breakfast—a small piece of cooked chicken, one of Jeck’s favorites. Though his appetite had diminished over the years, Jeck savored every bite, his tail wagging slowly in gratitude.

After breakfast, Mr. Dawson helped Jeck outside to the garden. The sun was shining brightly, and the air was warm with the scent of blooming flowers. Jeck loved the garden; it was a place where he had spent so many happy moments, chasing butterflies and lying in the cool grass. Today, he simply enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his old bones, feeling the gentle breeze ruffle his fur.

As they sat together in the garden, Mr. Dawson spoke to Jeck softly. “You’ve been the best friend I could ever ask for, Jeck,” he said, his voice filled with emotion. “I’m so grateful for all the years we’ve had together.”

Jeck looked up at his owner with eyes full of love. Though he couldn’t express it in words, he knew that Mr. Dawson understood. They had a bond that went beyond words—a bond built on years of companionship, trust, and unwavering loyalty.

In the afternoon, a few of Mr. Dawson’s friends came over to celebrate Jeck’s birthday. They brought treats and toys, and though Jeck no longer had the energy to play, he appreciated the attention and the familiar faces. They all gathered around him, petting him gently and telling stories of the adventures they had shared with Jeck over the years.

As the day turned to evening, Mr. Dawson prepared a small cake, not for Jeck to eat but as a symbolic gesture of the celebration. He placed a single candle on it, lit it, and sat down beside Jeck. “Make a wish, old friend,” he said with a smile.

Jeck, lying comfortably on his favorite blanket, closed his eyes for a moment. If he could make a wish, it would be for the well-being of his beloved owner, for more peaceful days like this, and for the love that had sustained him all these years to carry them both through whatever time they had left.

The candle flickered in the gentle breeze, and as it went out, Mr. Dawson leaned down and kissed Jeck on the head. “Happy birthday, Jeck,” he whispered.

Jeck sighed contentedly. He didn’t need much; he had everything he wanted right here. Surrounded by love, in the home where he had lived his entire life, Jeck felt at peace. He knew that this might be his last birthday, but it was a good one—full of the simple joys and the deep love that had made his life so meaningful.

As night fell, Jeck settled down for sleep, his breathing slow and steady. Mr. Dawson stayed by his side, just as he always had. And as Jeck drifted off to sleep, he knew that he was loved, that he had given and received so much in his life. If this was to be his last birthday, it was a perfect one, full of everything that had made his life worth living.
