Today is my birthday but I haven’t received any birthday wishes yet

Sara Kome Mrs

Alie didn’t know her exact age. There were no humans around to mark the passing of days, weeks, or years. She only knew the rhythm of the seasons, the feel of rain on her fur, the warmth of the sun on her skin. And somewhere in this endless calendar of nature, her birthday slipped by unnoticed.

Today was different, though. A peculiar emptiness gnawed at her. It wasn’t the usual hunger that rumbled in her belly; this ache was deeper, more profound. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the city, Alie found herself curled up in a familiar alleyway, her gaze fixed on the sliver of twilight.

She had no name, really. People had called her stray, mutt, and once, a little girl had called her ‘Spotty’. But none of those stuck. So she became Alie, a name she whispered to herself in the quiet of the night.

Around her, the city was alive with the symphony of human existence. Laughter, music, the clinking of glasses – sounds that were as foreign as they were enticing. Sometimes, she would see glimpses of joy – children chasing balloons, lovers sharing stolen kisses, families sharing meals. These moments were like stars in the dark sky of her life, distant and beautiful, yet out of reach.

Tonight, as the city lights twinkled into existence, Alie felt a loneliness she had never known before. Perhaps it was the collective joy around her that amplified her solitude. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the silent marking of another year lived without a single word of affection.

There were no birthday songs, no pats on the head, no excited squeals. Just the indifferent hum of the city and the cold, hard concrete beneath her. As sleep claimed her weary body, Alie dreamt of a world where tails were wagged with happiness, where full bowls awaited, and where a warm hand would scratch behind a furry ear on a special day. But when she opened her eyes, the harsh reality of her existence was laid bare once again.

Another day dawned, and with it, another year of life for Alie. A life filled with uncertainty, hunger, and solitude. Yet, despite it all, she carried on, her spirit as resilient as the wild grass that managed to find life in the cracks of the city pavement.
