Today is my birthday but I got my leg broken just because I begged for food from others

Sara Kome Mrs

Callie was the homeless dog. Today, her birthday, was a stark contrast to the joyous celebrations she might have imagined. Instead, it was a day marked by pain and despair.

She was a stray, a ghost in the bustling metropolis. Hunger was a constant companion, driving her to approach humans for scraps. It was a risky gamble, but the alternative was starvation. Today, as she stood on the edge of a busy road, her stomach growled with desperation. A passing car, its driver distracted, didn’t see her.

The impact was a blur of pain. Her body was thrown into the air, landing with a sickening thud. As consciousness faded, she felt a sharp pain in her leg. When she regained consciousness, she was alone, the world a blur of pain and confusion. Her leg was broken, the bone protruding at an unnatural angle.

The world, once a harsh but familiar place, had transformed into a nightmare. She couldn’t move, couldn’t hunt, couldn’t even protect herself. The pain was excruciating, the loneliness overwhelming. Her birthday, a day that should have been marked by hope, was instead a day of despair.

As the sun began its descent, casting long, mournful shadows, Callie curled up in a sheltered spot. The city lights, a distant, cold beauty, offered no solace. She was a wounded creature, alone and in pain. In the darkness, she dreamt of a world without pain, a world where she could run and play. But when she woke, reality was a harsh slap in the face.

Another day had passed, another birthday marked by suffering. Callie was a survivor, a creature defined by resilience. Yet, the pain was a constant, unrelenting companion. She would endure, she would survive. But for now, she was a wounded soul, trapped in a body that betrayed her.
