I want to cry, because today is my birthday 4 years ago, but I have never been cared for by anyone


**Donki’s Lonely Birthday**

I want to cry, because today is my birthday. Four years ago, I, Donki, came into this world, but in all that time, I have never been cared for by anyone.

Each year on this day, I watch from afar as other dogs celebrate with their families. They get belly rubs, special treats, and hear the sweet words, “Happy Birthday.” But for me, my birthdays have always been just another day, filled with the same struggles and loneliness.

Four years ago, I was born in a little alley behind a bakery. My mother did her best to take care of me and my siblings, but it was hard. One by one, my siblings found homes, but I was left behind. I’ve roamed the streets ever since, searching for food, shelter, and a bit of kindness.

As today marks another year of my life, I can’t help but feel the weight of my solitude. The sun sets, casting long shadows on the empty streets, and I find a quiet corner to rest. My heart aches with a longing for something I’ve never had—a family to call my own, someone to care for me, especially on my birthday.

The day that should be filled with joy and celebration is instead a reminder of my lonely existence. I want to cry, but I try to stay strong, holding onto a flicker of hope that maybe, someday, things will be different.

In my dreams, I imagine a warm home, a cozy bed, and a loving family who remembers my special day. Until then, I continue to wander, hoping that somewhere out there, someone will see me, care for me, and give me the love I’ve always dreamed of.
