13 Dog Breeds That Don’t Really Like To Go Through Dog Training


I just had six months of dog experience when I realized that there’s no such thing as dogs having a bad day for training. It’s either happening or not!

When I excluded all the external factors, including the health condition of my Pug, Jackie, I came to the conclusion that my girl is just difficult to train. This breed-wise trait helped me understand that there are, indeed, dog breeds that don’t excel in this domain.

After thorough research and years of experience, I conducted a list of thirteen dog breeds that make the training process a living hell. 

Is your puppy on the list? Let’s check it out!

#1 The Afghan Hound Holds The Title

afghan hound dog in the garden

There’s a good reason why I put the fashionable Afghan Hound in first place. Namely, the professor of canine psychology, Dr. Stanley Coren, in his piece, “The Intelligence of Dogs”  [1] , states that these purebred canines have one of the lowest IQs in the dog world.

Their poor obedience intelligence puts them in the 79th place on Coren’s list.

Even though I, myself, find them quite sweet and affectionate, getting an Afghan Hound puppy as your first dog would definitely be a huge mistake.

#2 The Mastiff Is A Close Second

tibetan mastiff on a leash with owner

Did you know that there are more than twenty different types of Mastiffs out there? Sadly, the well-known medieval-England Mastiff that was recognized by the AKC in 1885 is poor training material.

Aside from their good-natured temperament and high level of affection towards kids – these pooches perform quite badly in all kinds of training. 

The good news, though, is that these giants are naturally sociable and kind, which is why their socialization training isn’t the most important thing to think about. I mean, at least in terms of his own family. The rest of you – beware!

#3 The Chow Chow Is Set In Its Own Ways

chow chow dog in the park

If I’m being totally honest with you – both male and female Chow Chows are a terrible choice for novice owners. These Chinese boys are just way too complex to train. 

That’s why you should never get one just because of the looks.

Yes, they’re cute and all, but what about the time when you’re supposed to take them out? Or, join them with other people and other dogs?

Let me tell you what no one is gonna – untrained Chow Chows are extremely aggressive and dangerous! There is a whole set of strong muscles below those long furs. So, better avoid them!

#4 The Bulldog Is Just To Lazy To Train

lazy bulldog lying on the floor

Whatever I say about Bulldogs in a negative way is just going to be way too harsh. And, these pooches just don’t deserve that!

I mean, who could resist those sad-eyed, big-headed, lazy doggos with the sweetest underbite ever?

Still, if I pick the mildest words possible – it would be that Bulldogs rank high on the list for a reason. 

Their intelligence quotient isn’t exactly the most desirable thing. It happens that this very reason positively correlates with their poor cooperation in training.

I mean, just look at them! 

#5 The Pekingese – Say Cheese And They Will Run Away

The good news is – Bulldogs aren’t the only cute dogs with an underbite on the list. The bad thing is, their counterparts, the Pekingese, are not here for good reason!

As much as I would like to hide the fact that these miniature pooches aren’t so bright and trainable, I can’t! The thing is – Pekingese are just way too distracted and unconcentrated to focus, even when tempted with food.

They might do well for a couple of minutes, and then – bam! They’re gone!

#6 Here Comes The Beagle

beagle dog on a leash walking with owner

There is a reason why Beagles can be the worst dogs to have. Poor trainability is one of them, for sure!

I’m not sure whether it is their breed-related stubbornness, their high prey drive, or the combination of both, but these little fellas are just an impossible project!

On top of all that, they might even be too clingy to perform any kind of activity. Yup, those are Beagles!

#7 The Husky’s Stubbornness Is Never Off The Table

husky dog sitting in front of his owner

Don’t get me wrong – Huskies can be wonderful companions when trained from an early age. Still, I had very good reasons for putting them on the list.

For one thing – they are way too mischievous to be a part of any AKC competition. You will need to break blood and sweat to make them listen to you.

If you miss out on training them early, you are highly likely to face behavioral patterns, such as stubbornness, escaping, a lot of howling, and even self-destruction.

#8 The Bloodhound Is Never An Easy Choice

bloodhound dog lying on the ground

Let me give you two good reasons never to consider a Bloodhound as being good dog training material. 

For one thing, they rank pretty low on Coren’s list. They are just five places above the Afghan Hound, which puts them in 74th place in total ranking.

On the other hand, the AKC describes these doggos as independent. Let me translate this for you – they’re not independent, they’re just set in their own ways!

Training a Bloodhound or even a Bloodhound mix is a quite demanding job to do.

#9 The French Bulldog Is Just A Lost Cause Off Leash

french bulldog lying on the grass

Don’t bother casually training your Frenchie obedience or some more complex tricks. Unless you give it all you have in this regard – you’re about to experience failure.

It was Anderson [2] who said that “unless you are able to commit to giving your Frenchie the best life it could have for the entirety of its lifespan, you should consider another pet.”

Frenchies are naturally too open-minded and easily distracted. As soon as you let them off the leash in a dog park – you can expect them to escape. Don’t get me even started on obedience training…

#10 The List Would Be Incomplete Without the Chihuahua

chihuahua dog lying on the couch

Chis are not just difficult to train… they are loco! 

Jokes on the side. Yes, this is an amazing family dog, but at what cost? Chis are known for their extremely difficult and sensitive temperament. That said, you can expect them to be quite complicated when it comes to any sort of training.

And, their natural stubbornness is an independent topic! 

#11 The Pug Would Rather Cuddle And Hug Than Train

pug sitting on the ground in front of his owner

According to PetNet ID, Pugs are in 57th place in terms of intelligence. Even though they are far above their Hound counterparts, this is still not enough to remove them from the list of hardly-trainable dogs.

They rather prefer having a nice, cozy day inside a house than engaging themselves in overwhelming training processes.

And, believe me when I say – overwhelming in this case scenario is not really overwhelming.

#12 The Basset Hound Closes The Hound Family Circle

basset hound lying on the grass

Great, another doggo from the Hound family! You might think that this is some sort of well-thought-through conspiracy, but it really isn’t.

Even though these long-eared pooches sometimes rank low on the training list due to hereditary health problems, such as bad vision or loss of hearing – most of the time, they are just too dull to be trained for complex tasks.

But, I guess that’s fine as these pooches are low-key anyway. They are charming the way they are and nothing else is needed.

#13 The Lhasa Apso Is As Complicated As His Name

lhasa apso on a leash walking with owner

The thousand-year-old Himalayan Lhasa Apso has the honor to end this list. Even though they are known for their unique and exquisite coat colors, Lhasas aren’t exactly favorable dogs for training.

Yes, they naturally make decent watchdogs, but how are they in other tasks?

To answer this in a completely unbiased and well-minded tone – Lhasas are to be avoided if you have some serious training in mind.

Final Thoughts

We might as well call this list “the list of least intelligent dog breeds in the world”, but then again, what about Huskies or Chihuahuas?

Yes, the truth is the intelligence level of a dog positively correlates with its poor training performance, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. 

These thirteen dog breeds are to be avoided if you’re not planning to commit to your new canine to the fullest. And, for those who already have one of these pooches – training consistency is the key!


  1. Coren, S. (1994). “The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide To The Thoughts, Emotions, And Inner Lives Of Our Canine Companions.” New York: Bantam Books.
  2. Anderson, D. (2018). The Complete Guide to French Bulldogs. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
