Abandoned Pup Refuses To Move, Hoping That Her Owners Would Come Back For Her


When we welcome a dog into our lives, we make a commitment to love them with our whole heart and cherish them forever. Seeing their eyes lit up with happiness and their tail wagging with excitement gives us immense joy.

Knowing that many canines spend years being mistreated and deprived of human love and cuddles makes my heart sink. Their merciless owners neglect them and abuse them without feeling any empathy for the faithful and innocent dogs.

After the canines get sick, their family abandons them without looking back.

Kicho, one of the sweet canines, knows exactly how it feels to be abused and betrayed by the humans she trusted. Instead of showering her with love, her family put chains around her neck and stole her freedom. 

The pup ended up getting sick, and her family heartlessly dumped her in a field and left. Feeling heartbroken, the pooch kept waiting for them to come back for her. Although they mistreated her, she still considered them her family.

Good Humans Come To Rescue A Sad Pup

sick stray dog
Source: Animal Shelter

A local farmer noticed the pup who was lying in the field in terrible condition, and immediately contacted a rescue. When the rescuers arrived and saw the defeated look on the dog’s face, they felt brokenhearted.

The pooch had no fur and she kept her head bent. She seemed to have lost all hope of being saved. The rescue team noticed the scratches all over her body.

Wishing to help her, they approached her and looked at her incredibly sad eyes. When one of the rescuers touched her, the pup felt frightened and she ran away.

At The Vet Clinic

dog with skin problems
Source: Instagram

The good humans didn’t give up, and they kept trying to rescue her. Eventually, they managed to capture her and bring her to a vet clinic. 

The vet diagnosed her with mange and scabies, saying that her skin infections were chronic. She was prescribed antibiotics. Her skin was very itchy, and the staff hoped the pup would feel better soon.

Her vet treated her sprained leg and the wounds around her neck caused by the chain. It was clear that her owners mistreated her. 

The pooch was reserved. She still wasn’t sure if she could trust her rescuers.

When the clinic staff offered her food, she started eating quickly. She was extremely underweight and hungry.

The Pooch Begins Feeling Better

injured dog with skin problems
Source: Instagram

The staff took amazing care of the dog, encouraging her and trying to gain her trust. They named her Kicho. 

Their hearts melted when the pup looked at them with her sweet eyes for the first time. 

Her skin improved and she regained some strength. She was able to stand on her paws. The pup’s caregivers rejoiced at seeing her get better.

Kicho began realizing that her caregivers were good humans and she started trusting them more. 

Kicho’s caregivers wanted to take her outside, but she was too scared to go out, although she was very curious. Her fear held her back.

However, the staff had a good idea. They lured her outside with food. The pup began exploring her surroundings, and she wagged her tail with excitement.

white dog in vet station
Source: Instagram

During the first few days, Kicho’s skin continued to be itchy. Luckily, the medication began working and the itching subsided. After some time, the pup’s skin was no longer itchy. 

The staff continued taking excellent care of Kicho. They were over the moon when she made a complete recovery. 

Her fur grew and she turned into the prettiest girl. Kicho’s face radiated with joy, and she couldn’t stop smiling. She was ready to leave the clinic. 

Surrounded By Love

healthy white dog
Source: Instagram

One of her friends who rescued her came to pick her up. Kicho couldn’t contain her happiness. She was smiling from ear to ear.

Kicho began a new life in a safe house a foster-based rescue. One of her rescuers takes care of her. 

She gives the doggo a lot of love and cuddles, and pampers her with care. Kicho feels adored and cherished. She will never be neglected and abandoned again. 

We are thankful to the selfless rescuers and caregivers who saved her life and made her very happy.
