Neglected Dog Keeps Peeking Through The Bars Of His Cage, Pleading To Be Rescued


All his life, a little pup named Thompson waited for someone to love him.

He had multiple owners who kept him in a cage and stole his right to be happy and free. Since Thompson was neglected, he ended up getting sick.

The Pomeranian pup often looked at people whom he met with soulful eyes that pleaded for help, but sadly, they walked past him like he didn’t matter.

Despite being ignored day after day, Thompson’s heart was filled with love.

He kept peeking through the bars of his cage, hoping that someone would find enough compassion in their heart and set him free.

Thompson Tastes Freedom

neglected pomeraninan pup
Source: The Dodo

After Thompson’s owner decided to surrender him, a kind-hearted rescuer at Mission Pawsible headed to the family address to rescue him.

The moment the rescuer saw Thompson and the condition he was in, she felt heartbroken. 

The malnourished pup lost most of his fur. He kept looking at his rescuer with sad and distrustful eyes.

The woman stroked Thompson’s head and talked to him in a tender voice. The pup sniffed her hand and started to let go of his guard. He sensed he could trust the kind human.

pomeranian sniffing a hand
Source: The Dodo

The rescuer took Thompson in her arms, promising him a better life. The pooch was melting in her embrace. His eyes shined with hope.

She drove him to the vet, who told her that Thompson was very sick. Apart from suffering from a skin condition, he also had severe anemia.

The vet put him on a special diet in order to boost his iron levels.

The Canine’s Road To Recovery

dog getting a haircut
Source: The Dodo

His rescuer took him to her home, and she decided to foster him. She was determined to shower him with love and help him heal his body and soul.

As his foster mom gently removed his patchy fur, Thompson kept smiling. The sweet boi felt that a new chapter of his life was about to begin.

His hero gave him a bath, and she started giving him oil massages so that his wounds would heal faster.

She cuddled the delightful canine, giving him the affection that he missed all his life.

Thompson charmed his foster mom with his irresistibly cute underbite.

A Forever Home Of His Dreams

pomeranian looking at the camera
Source: The Dodo

As time passed, the pup felt better. His skin started healing, and new fur was growing.

Thompson loved his foster mom deeply. He kept jumping up and asking her to cuddle him.  

Four months later, the canine turned into a gorgeous pup with fluffy fur. He had the biggest smile on his sweet face.

close-up photo of happy pomeranian
Source: The Dodo

He fell in love with his life and the sweet taste of freedom.

Thompson began searching for the loving forever family that he always wished for.

He was jumping with joy when his dream finally came true. The lovely pup stole the heart of his new family and he finally found his happily-ever-after.

pomeranian named thompson
Source: @gremlinboys_aka_yogi_thompson

Thompson was happy to meet his furry brother. They enjoy going on forest walks and playing in a playroom that their mom made only for them.

The canine couldn’t be happier. His family adores him and showers him with love.

The delightful pup often posts wonderful photos of his dream life on the Instagram account that he shares with his furry brother.
