Exchange Student Stumbles Upon A Tiny Pup On The Street And Makes A Life-Saving Choice


Picture this scenario: You are an abroad student, and you came to this beautiful island in the Atlantic to meet new people and gain new experiences.

However, fate had other plans for you. Aside from the amazing adventure you are about to go through, you also happen to stumble onto a very small stray puppy who wants to be your new friend. Adorable, isn’t it?

This is exactly what happened to a girl who went to Turks and Caicos Islands as an exchange student. She went through an experience that would change her life for the better.

The Most Amazing Adventure

black dog on sand
Source: YouTube

Just as the students were taking a walk, an adorable puppy sprinted towards them. The excitement in all of them was palpable.

The student, named Annie, commented on their encounter and told The Dodo: She just ran out towards us like…. Hey, could you help me, do you mind?

She would also comment how South Caicos was just filled with stray dogs all over the place and many of them needed help. 

The strays on the island are called Potcakes by people who live there, which is kind of funny.

cute puppie in owner hand

After the meeting pleasantries were exchanged, Annie really wanted to take her, but they had to wait and see if the mother was around.

So, they stood in the scorching sun for hours and got quite sunburned, but no one came for the small puppy.

At this point, it was clear that the dog was alone, and some locals also told Annie that she was usually seen alone, so it was unlikely that the mother was around.

A Journey To Her New Life

black puppie laying
Source: YouTube

Now, it was fully clear that the puppy was coming with her and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

She said: I was like, nothing else matters. I don’t need seashells, I don’t need T-shirts. I need Midge.

The puppy seemed a lot more comfortable now that she was safe and out of the hot weather.

Because Annie still had a week left on her exchange program, she contacted Turks and Caicos Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TCSPCA), and they gave her all the necessary medication and vaccines.

Another great bonus was that the organization was also able to reserve her a plane ticket to her new home in Illinois.

When she finally got there, Annie’s parents were excited to meet Midge, and so were the other dogs, Millie and Artie.

two dogs standing
Source: YouTube

Millie just loved Midge, and would constantly play with her. The two became best friends and they remain inseparable, even to this day.

She just gets along with everyone so well, and the whole family loves her very much. 

Her story is just a beautiful tale of a lost dog who found her forever home in a wonderful place. She deserves all the best.
