Heartbroken Dog Gets Her Life Turned Around By The Most Amazing Surprise


Did you know that dogs, too, can be diagnosed with a broken heart? Yup, you’ve read it right! And, an even more shocking part is that it manifests exactly or sometimes even more intensely than in humans.

That’s exactly what happened to Reese, a senior doggo girl who was about to give up when her best friend in the world, Morgan, passed away. This fantastic duo was inseparable, and Reese couldn’t bear the fact that Morgan was not coming back anymore. 

She was really on the edge and seemed like a lost cause until her mom came with the most amazing, life-turning surprise ever!

Reese And Morgan Were Inseparable

two happy dogs
Source: Facebook.com

Reese was saved from the streets of Abilene, Texas. As a 12-year-old senior, she was a little nervous and insecure around hoomans, but all that was about to change in her new home – with her new owner, Amy Thatcher.

“She is definitely one of the happiest dogs I know and I am so lucky to have her in my life,” says Amy.

two dogs and three cats laying together on a couch
Source: Facebook.com

Reese and Morgan, Amy’s other dog, were inseparable from the moment they met each other. They literally ate, slept, and did everything together until Morgan got sick. At the age of 12, this poor doggo suffered from a kidney disease, and soon after, he sadly passed away.

She Rejected Food, Shook In Bed, And Refused To Socialize

Brown and white dog sitting
Source: The Dodo

Both Amy and Reese were devastated by the loss of their buddy, but this furry girl seemed to be much worse. 

Reese practically stopped eating and she refused to engage in any sort of activity. All she did the entire time was sleep in her bed and shake in pain. 

“When Morgan passed away, Reese stopped eating and would sometimes refuse to get up. Because nothing was physically wrong with her, Reese was diagnosed with an “extreme emotional reaction.” In other words, a broken heart,” the BFAS wrote in their Facebook post.

Amy even got foster puppies to cheer her up, but nothing seemed to be working. Until, one day, everything changed!

The Most Amazing Surprise

portrait of two dogs looking at the camera and smiling
Source: Facebook.com

Amy went to Best Friends Animal Society, in Kanab, Utah, to find another companion for Reese, and that’s when it happened!

While scrolling through shelter dogs that might seem like a good fit for Reese, an enthusiastic face caught her attention.

It was Jeep – a one-year-old puppy who instantly gave Amy a big smile and wiggled his butt around her! She sat on the floor, and Jeep immediately took the opportunity and sat on her lap.

It was love at first sight, and Amy knew that she had to take Jeep home, as he was so loveable.

Jeep – A Reminder That Things Will Be Okay

dog laying while other dog sitting
Source: Facebook.com

It was a long shot, as Reese was still in pretty bad shape, but Amy took Jeep home anyway to try and cheer her girl up! And, boi was that a great decision!

After only a few days, Reese fell in love with her new brother! Despite a huge discrepancy between them age-wise, she was already infected by his unbelievable spirit.

“Jeep is the kind of dog that has an infectious spirit. You just can’t help but to smile when you’re with him… In the end, Jeep healed not one, but two hearts,” the BFAS wrote.

owner and her happy dog
Source: Facebook.com

The two bonded like they had always been around each other, and Reese finally started smiling again! And, Jeep helped Amy heal, too! 

Even though she’ll never forget about Morgan, Reese could finally hope that better days would come. And, now she definitely has a reason to get out of her bed.

@bestfriendsanimalsociety Happy endings are the best ❤️ #SaveThemAll #adopt #seniordogsrock ♬ original sound – Best Friends
