Woman Wakes Up To Find An Unexpected Dog Visitor Chilling In Her Patio Furniture


Dogs can be really unpredictable sometimes. Most of them are loyal to their owners and best hooman friends when they find the home they deserve. 

But, some pups are not so lucky, as they spend a lot of time searching for their happy place. Today’s story is about a dog who came out of nowhere, but was determined to find himself a place where he belongs. 

A “Good Morning” Surprise

dog in a wooden chair
Source: YouTube

It was January 2022, and Amy Haden and her daughter were getting ready, one for the job and the other, for school, in the early morning. 

Everything was going according to plan until the moment when Amy’s daughter started shouting in surprise that there was a dog on the couch outside their house. 

Amy ignored it at first because she thought it was one of their two pups. But, when she looked out the window, she couldn’t hide her surprised face. 

“Like he completely made himself at home on the cushions and he just never left” Amy stated in an interview for Good Morning America. 

Although surprising, it was a scene that made their day in the early morning. But, they were still convinced that when they returned home in the afternoon, the couch would be empty. 

They thought that this cute pup was just bored, and that he only wanted some temporary attention. They couldn’t have been more wrong. 

Not only that the dog didn’t leave, but he didn’t even move from the cushions when they got home in the afternoon. Amy realized that she had a difficult task ahead of her. 

Unfortunately, He Did Not Fit In

The first thing Amy did was take him to the vet, hoping they would find a microchip. Although the medical staff thoroughly examined everything with a scanner, it was all in vain because a microchip was simply not there. 

dog with owner
Source: YouTube

Amy realized that there could only be two things at stake: Either the owner is irresponsible or the dog simply does not have one. Amy tried everything from knocking on the doors of her neighbors to posting the pup’s pictures on Facebook, but no one answered.  

Although she was already caring for two pets, Amy was thinking about adopting him, as she and her daughter found him so sweet. But, there was an unexpected problem. 

“Unfortunately, no matter how wonderful he is, he did not get along with our other pets.,” Amy stated, as disappointment could be discerned in her voice. 

But, that definitely didn’t mean she was going to give up on him. First, she decided to give him a name. Actually, she let TikTok name him, and they decided to give him the name, “Walker”. 

Walker was now ready to find a new home and a new page in his life. But, despite all the efforts, he remained on the same patio furniture for another full month. 

Until one sunny day. 

In The End, Walker’s Patience Paid Off

dog sitting on a concrete
Source: YouTube

After a month of caring for him, the day finally came. Walker got himself a new home with a little old lady who was waiting for him. 

“She told us that she had been praying for a dog like him and that we were the answer to her prayers,” Amy confirmed with a big smile on her face. 

Their persistence and patience paid off in the end, and this incredible story about a puppy that came out of nowhere had its happy ending. 

If you find yourself in a similar situation, where a lost dog appears in front of your house out of nowhere, the RSPCA has a few tips worth knowing. 
