Rescuers Were Heartbroken To See This Trembling Dog In A Doghouse Near A Road So They Saved Him


It’s hard to imagine that someone can look at innocent and soulful puppy eyes and then turn their back on them and dump them.

All pups deserve to be showered with a lot of love, and yet they often find themselves abandoned and scared, wondering if anybody is coming to rescue them.

Jila was one of the sweet fur babies who was dumped on the side of a road. Covered in mange and shivering from cold, Jila curled up in her little doghouse. In those moments, her only wish was to be taken somewhere safe and warm.

A Little Fur Baby In Need Of Help

dog trembling in cold
Source: The Dodo

Judy Obregon, the founder of TAO Animal Rescue, spotted a doghouse in Fort Worth, Texas, during one of her routine searches. 

She immediately rushed toward the little house to check if there was someone in there. When she approached, the doghouse started moving.

Obregon felt heartbroken when a sweet, tiny puppy’s head peeked out of the house. The fur baby had the most adorable soulful eyes. 

It was cold and rainy, and the little baby trembled

Obregon noticed that the puppy was infested with mange. She comforted her and told her that everything would be fine. She wrapped her in a blanket and took her to her car.

The puppy’s eyes were filled with calmness as she looked through the car window.

dogs profile
Source: The Dodo

“And I think at that moment, she knew deep down that that was it. She knew she was safe with someone that was gonna care for her,” Obregon told The Dodo.

Obregon felt relieved that she had found the abandoned pup. She was convinced that she wouldn’t have survived another night in the cold.

Jila Receives A Lot Of Love 

dog covered with pink blanket
Source: The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals In Danger”

She took her to the vet. After being diagnosed with mange and skin infections, Jila was prescribed antibiotics and medicated baths.

Obregon brought the pup home and decided to be her emergency foster. She named her Jila because of her soulful eyes. 

She fed her and gave her all the care and love she needed. Jila began feeling better and she slept a lot.

Her foster mom was enchanted with Jila. She was the sweetest puppy despite the neglect she went through. The pup enjoyed being held and feeling loved.

Obregon was convinced that Jila was an outside dog who never received the love that she needed very much. 

little dog in his cave
Source: The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals In Danger”

Soon, Jila went to another foster home. Her foster mom, Paige, showered her with love and gave her the constant care that she needed.

Jila licked her foster mom’s hands and snuggled with her. It was her way of showing how much she appreciated her help and love.

After a while, the pup moved in with her other foster mom, Emily, and she continued her road to recovery. The adorable fur baby loved cuddling with her and soaking up her love. Her cute face was glowing with happiness.

little dog on the bed
Source: The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals In Danger”

She had a great time playing with Clover, her foster doggy sibling.

The pup thrived more and more. After several months, her skin healed and Jila made a full recovery. She started looking for a forever home.

The Pup Finds Her Forever Family

cute dog on the blanket
Source: The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals In Danger”

At the time, a wonderful Texas family was looking for a pup for their eight-year-old son. As soon as they saw Jila, she captivated them and they knew that their search was over.

The moment Jila saw her forever mom, she ran into her arms and gave her a kiss. The gentle puppy was excited to move into her forever home. She fit in with her family right away. 

little boy holding a dog
Source: The Dodo

They hugged her and gave her many kisses, which the pup happily reciprocated. Jila felt adored, and she couldn’t contain her happiness

“When I look at her, what I see is the word joy. Sometimes I don’t know that she even remembers being thrown on the side of the road. She’s just so overwhelmingly happy. Her little tail wagging all the time,“ Jila’s forever mom told The Dodo.

We couldn’t be happier for Jila. The wonderful pup found the love that she always deserved and needed. 
