Rescuers Were Shocked To Learn This Dog’s Story After They Found Him Bound To A Pole


Driving around their neighborhood, a group of rescuers noticed a really sad and disturbing scene.

A little puppy was abandoned, all alone and tied to a pole on a sidewalk. The rescuers immediately stopped their scooter and approached the poor pup.

Rescue Mission

photo of puppy bound to a pole
Source: @bullu_bow_wow

The dog was lying down on the cold ground, waiting for somebody to notice him and come and help.

However, as soon as he saw the rescuers, he excitedly stood up on his paws and showed the team why he had been abandoned in the first place.

“He was left tied on the pole by a nearby shop owner who didn’t want to take care of him because of his bent legs,” said Yogita, one of the rescuers.

close-up photo of the puppy
Source: @bullu_bow_wow

The team untied the poor pup and gently picked him up, putting him on their scooter and driving him to a shelter.

At that moment, the pup knew he was finally safe and wanted.

Help Is Here

The puppy, later given the name, Abby, unfortunately had his legs bent inward, which caused him to have some trouble walking.

He couldn’t walk long distances or even stand on his paws for a longer period of time because of the pain it caused him.

disabled puppy walking on a leash
Source: @bullu_bow_wow

However, even in this condition, the pup excitedly jumped up and down, unable to contain his excitement when he realized that he was finally being rescued.

He kept loving us and licking us throughout the time we held him.

Yogita took the little pup to the vet in order to see how she could help improve his condition. The vet determined that Abby’s bowed legs were caused by poor nutrition.

Since Abby’s rescuer was extremely determined to do as much as she could, even though the healing process took a while, the puppy is now able to run and play just like any other dog.

puppy running on grass
Source: @bullu_bow_wow

Seeing how brave and resilient Abby was, Yogita and her family simply couldn’t part ways with him.

Yogita already had a pack of rescue dogs at her home, so Abby was not only surrounded by loving hoomans, but also by very adorable furry friends.

His recovery journey was a long one but filled with so much love, and today he is living the best life he could ever have with his siblings.

big dog and small dog
Source: @bullu_bow_wow

Medical Diagnosis

The condition this pup suffers from is called Bowed Legs, and it is a deformity that causes the legs of a dog to appear curved, not straight.

This can be caused when a dog grows too fast, not giving the bones enough time to develop.

It can also be due to nutrition deficiencies since the bones rely on certain vitamins and minerals that help them to have optimal development.

Another reason for bowed legs can be because of an injury the pup suffered from before his bones got strong enough, or lastly, it can simply be due to genetics.
