Dog People Love Dogs More Than People And We Think It’s Wonderful


Dog lovers have definitely heard about the Rover. Yes, it’s that online network for dog sitters and walkers that always proves helpful. The thing is, Rover did a survey on whether dog people love dogs more than people, and the results are quite shocking. 

Well, we’re only joking. The results are pretty clear. Dog people do love dogs more than people, anytime and anywhere!

More than 94% of US dog owners claim their dogs are equal family members. They couldn’t be more right! 

Other surveys published by People Magazine show some unanticipated results. For example, around 75% of dog owners wouldn’t even question bringing their dogs on a vacation or including them in their holiday cards, marriage proposals, or other major life events. 

Such a high percentage of this survey means that dogs will be included in photos posted online from many weddings, parties, and holidays. Thus, it’s no surprise that 65% of dog owners say they take more photos of their dogs than of their friends or loved ones. Of those, 29% say they post more dog photos online than they do of themselves or their family. 

a dog in a woman's lap with a ball in its mouth
Photo from: IHeartDogs

It keeps getting better for dogs! 

Almost half of the asked people, 47% of them, say it’s emotionally difficult for them to be separated from their dogs for a long period of time.

More interesting results coming this way! A total of 56% of people say their dogs are the ones they greet first when they come home from a long day at work. Now, that’s a nice welcome! 

Shocking results this way! Did you know that 54% of people would consider ending their relationship with their partner if their dog didn’t seem to like that person. Could it be the only true love?

a man and a woman are standing on a rock with a dog
Photo from: IHeartDogs

Don’t think we’ve forgotten about the quirky side of the survey. The question: Does my dog love me? Was Googled more than 3,000 times. IIncredible! 

Of course your dog loves you, you silly person! Dogs adore humans, especially the ones that care! 

the dog is sitting in the car in the parking lot
Photo from: IHeartDogs

The numbers are just… numbers! But, they do make us think. What these numbers from above tell us is that the human race loves dogs very much. 

Owning a dog does make you a better person. It affects our mental wellbeing and helps us stay emotionally strong and capable of processing even the hardest emotions. 
So, to conclude: there’s no such thing as too much love for dogs!
