This Florida Couple Has Devoted Their Lives To Saving Dogs 


Once they’re rescued from terrible conditions and troubling situations, dogs go into shelters and foster homes. Those who are lucky enough get to resocialize and find their forever homes. Imagine how difficult it is to take care of a rescue dog, all lost and scared. 

Now imagine what it’s like to care for 70 rescue dogs! 

Danny Robertshaw and Ron Danta know that very well. Since their salvation mission started in 2008, they’ve rescued over 12,500 dogs! Sometimes, they even have 20 to 75 dogs at once in their Florida home! 

two man sitting with dogs
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When Hurricane Katrina rampaged through the States, Danny & Ron’s sanctuary saved over 600 dogs. They thought it would be a temporary project, but soon they felt an urge to save more lost souls. It felt good to do good. 

The couple created a unique rescue center where they let the dogs roam freely through their house until they get adopted. No kennels are used. It is a safe haven for troubled dogs where they could jump on the furniture and spend all the time they want outside in the yard. 

“They can get on the couch, the furniture, the beds, and some nights we’ll have 17 dogs in the bed. It really helps dogs from puppy mills and abuse cases come out of their shells,” said Danta.

two man with rescued puppies
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Each dog will get checked by the vet and put through the standard procedure of spaying, neutering, microchipping, and vaccination. 

Robertshaw and Danta do a tremendous job taking care of each dog’s health. People have shown their love and support for the duo by adopting more and more dogs from them. 

Hurricane Katrina wasn’t the only situation where Robertshaw and Danta rescued dogs in need. They primarily focus on saving dogs from puppy mills, abusive homes, and high-kill shelters. No dog gets left behind! Even dogs from the death row were rescued!   

“Our mission is for people to have dogs and the dogs to have homes, so we set out to do everything we possibly can to enable that to happen,” Robertshaw said. 

two men cover with dogs
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Their kind acts don’t end here.

The years have proven that Danny and Ron are real-life heroes. Their kind deeds go so far, they’ve even become a part of Meals for Wheels. Thanks to a bunch of good people, including this duo, the organization brings dog supplies and food to people who can’t afford them, but still want a dog. 

If you want to learn more about this dog-saving duo, you can watch their documentary Life In The Doghouse. Nothing will be the same after watching it. You will never look at stray dogs the same way as you did before. And, you’ll pray for more people like Danny and Ron. 
