Dogs are “man’s best friend” (I don’t see cats being mentioned as such in this way), and there are many reasons why that is so.
This complete experience has been written from my perspective since I am in contact with both cat and dog lovers all the time.
People say that dogs provide companionship that is not comparable to any other animal’s companionship. Naturally, people who enjoy the company of dogs are often tied to some unique personality traits, just as cat people.
Having in mind that many people find those who adore puppies slightly friendlier than the kitten lovers, I have made a list of the personality traits closely related to a dog person.
Let’s dig in!
#1 We Are More Social And Outgoing, A.k.a., Extroverted

Dogs are a kind of animal that cannot live without interaction with humans, animals, and other dogs. While cats can live without ever going outside the house, dogs simply cannot.
And, you know what they say… you are with who you spend time with. People tend to blend in and take on certain characteristics of those who they love the most.
Therefore, a dog person will become more outgoing after getting a dog, even if they are not particularly an outgoing person.
Dogs need to go potty at least three times a day, which means that you will have to spend 30 minutes outside… well, at LEAST three times a day.
Being outside more than usual will make you naturally keen on making new friends and socializing more than usual. Having a dog-walk buddy will come naturally to you, and it will mean a lot to you, too.
Research |2| suggests that people who are sociable and warm-hearted will find dogs to be a better match to their personalities and lifestyle. On the other hand, people who are laid back and don’t like social interaction as much will be more comfortable with cats.
We love being around people and making new friends. In contrast to cat people, who prefer spending time indoors and laying around, we like going out, meeting new people, and getting new out-doorsy experiences!
#2 Far Less Neurotic. Nervous Breakdown? Never Heard Of Her.

There is far less drama and anxiety around dog people.
Did you know that according to research |1|, many people suffering from neurotic problems have cats, while others decide upon owning dogs.
Neurotic problems are, including but not limited to: anxious, depressed, over-thinking, panicking, and easily-stressed behaviors.
If they get a dog for a specific reason, dog people get them for service and therapy reasons. Many asthma, seizure, diabetic, and other kinds of patients often purchase a service dog that alerts them before the manifestation of their illness is about to happen.
But, when it comes to dog people, in general, we just tend to be more relaxed individuals by nature. We simply don’t have the time to spend being anything other than positive, happy, and relaxed.
Our motto would definitely be “Don’t worry about things that are not in your control” because we aren’t the ones who will do the overthinking. We are leaving that to cat people.
#3 We Are Loyal To The Bone

A cat person is more of a “I’d kill for you”, while a dog person is more of a “I’d die for you” kind of individual.
A cat person would never put their own safety, security, or well being over somebody else’s.
On the contrary, a dog person would do everything for the ones they love, regardless of the fact that it might affect their own life.
Dog people are often the type of friends who will always stick up for you, and defend you even if you don’t really need to be defended. If they see you as their close friend or family member, trust me… there is nothing that we wouldn’t do for you.
#4 We Will Take Every Opportunity To Show Our Love

Every dog person is known to be an affectionate individual, both verbally and physically. In fact, most dog people are the ones who find physical touch and quality time as their predominant love languages.
We like being close to our beloved people, pets, animals, and all of our objects of affection. There isn’t a single situation where we don’t want to be in the company of our dear friends, family, and pets.
We will take every opportunity to tell you, show you, or inform you that we love you, and that we love spending time with you. Why? Because we are aware that every second that we spend in this world alive is precious, and we like making the best out of it.
#5 We Are Protective Of The Ones We Love

Just to make things clear… don’t mess with the ones we care about. We are not afraid to jump into any argument, discussion, or fight when it comes to the ones that we care the most about.
As dogs are protective of their pack, many dog persons are similarly protective of their loved ones. I wouldn’t recommend getting into verbal or physical fights with the loved one of a dog person. We’ll fight for them as if our life depends on it.
Maybe we have learned from our dogs that there is nothing more important than the people we care about. That is something that a cat person would never learn from their pet because cats will do everything to save themselves, and wouldn’t even think about their owner.
#6 We Are Compassionate, And Will Never Let You Deal With Problems Alone

We are the ones who value all the beautiful things that come from being in companionship with other people and animals. And, being never left alone and by yourself is one of those things.
While a cat person is more likely to deal with their problems alone, not asking or wanting to receive help from anybody else, a dog person would act differently.
Yes, we can deal with our problems alone. However, we are more inclined to deal with our problems with others. Why? Because we are not afraid to ask for help or advice, and because we are the helpers and the advisors all the time for our own friends.
We can deeply feel our friends’ emotions and needs, and understand their perspective and act accordingly. We just aren’t the type of people who would ignore your problems or your deep breaths because we can feel everything you feel, too.
And, we won’t let you deal with anything alone. We are always there.
#7 We Will Always Provide You With A Positive Perspective

Since a dog person would generally be considered as an optimist, and a cat person would generally be considered as a pessimist, it is clear which friend would make you feel better.
No matter what the problem is, a dog person will try to give you a positive outlook that would make you feel better. And, sometimes that is all we need.
We tend to be the ones who simply don’t have the time of the day to look at things from a negative perspective. We enjoy making other people around us happy. And, if you are not happy, we are about to change that mood!
#8 We Are Team Players

While a cat person is considered as a type of person who values individuality, a dog person is the one who values teamwork.
As mentioned before, we love being surrounded by people, and we like to work with people to make something good together. Enjoying the fruits of our labor with others is one of our favorite activities!
And, most importantly, we won’t ever let any of our teammates down. We are highly altruistic and motivated to do things for the greater good. We don’t care THAT much when it comes to our own benefits.
It is not just that we are team players, but this research |3| also shows that dog people tend to have more self esteem, and that we are generally more confident individuals.
#9 There Isn’t A Single Negative Term About Us, Such As “The (Crazy) Cat Lady”

In the English language, there isn’t anything more interesting than idioms, phrases, and collocations. The phrase and the collocation that we are to talk about today are connected to cats or dogs, and they transfer the meaning to a human by using a metaphor.
The phrase “cat lady” or “the crazy cat lady” refers to a woman who is strange, and lives and communicates with one or two dozen cats, which she shares her living space with. According to this, this kind of woman lives alone and does not like the outside world… at all.
This meaning often has some negative connotations, meaning that the person doesn’t interact well with the outside world. Sadly, I have witnessed cat people having these personality traits. Not all of them, of course, but most of them.
However, when it comes to some sayings and phrases that involve dogs, there isn’t a single negative one that actually refers to people. However, there are many positive ones, from which, I will highlight the following: “as loyal as a dog”. Let that sit in.
#10 The Best For Last: What Does Harry Potter Say?

This might be the thing that connects both cat people and dog people since both of these social groups tend to be fans of Hogwarts.
If you are interested in which house a dog person would typically be in, and in which one a cat person would be in, look at this post!
But, what was most interesting for me was that the majority of HP fans prefer dogs to cats. If you are more into some deeper research regarding the relation between the Hogwarts houses and the ratio of dog vs. cat lovers, you can dig deeper here.
- |1| Gretchen M. Reevy & Mikel M. Delgado (2020) The Relationship Between Neuroticism Facets, Conscientiousness, and Human Attachment to Pet Cats, Anthrozoös, 33:3, 387-400, DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2020.1746527
- |2| McGreal, S. A. (n.d.). Are dog people more prejudiced than cat people? Psychology Today. Retrieved February 27, 2023
- |3| Schulz, C., König, H.-H., & Hajek, A. (2020, July 13). Differences in self-esteem between cat owners, dog owners, and individuals without pets. Frontiers. Retrieved February 27, 2023