Roo, The Disabled GSD, Has Found A Friend Who Understands Him


Sometimes, the saddest stories turn out to become the most beautiful happy endings. Indeed, the story of Roo, the disabled German Shepherd, is one of them.

Seeing a disabled puppy is always heartbreaking, especially if you’re a dog owner yourself. When I first saw Roo online, I was truly devastated. I think the fact that I have a GSD of my own has to do with that the most. But, then I discovered the most amazing thing!

Roo was adopted by an amazing family. Dayna, his current owner, has given Roo the three-and-a-half-acre home and a lifetime buddy – her first blind dog named Duffy. But, I’m getting ahead of myself a little. Here comes the full story!

Roo Was Born A Little Different

Photo of Roo on grass
Source: YouTube

Roo was born without his right front leg, and has a disabled left, front paw. Unlike his healthy counterparts, Roo wasn’t able to run, jump, or basically perform any of the normal doggo activities throughout his puppyhood. 

This unfortunate destiny of his wasn’t exactly best handled by the first family, as his parents left him at the shelter. His condition was just too much for them to handle. 

Luckily, this adorable puppy was adopted by a foster family who decided to prepare him for adoption. And, this is where Roo’s path starts gaining real shape. 

The Foster Family Did An Amazing Job

Roo's owner holding Roo
Source: YouTube

Right from the beginning, his foster dad knew that Roo was gonna be a good boy. And, that’s what eventually happened!

During the first several weeks, it was quite difficult to get Roo on track and adapt him to a normal doggo life. But, somehow he managed to do it. 

The entire foster family put a lot of effort, sweat, and love into making a cozy home for Roo. After a while, this gorgeous GSD caved and never let go!

“He’s playful. He’s goofy. He’s annoying.” said his foster dad.

He started playing with other dogs, eating quite well, and performing almost the same activities as other dogs did in the family. 

After they realized that Roo was now a fully-socialized and nourished puppy, they decided to look for an adoption family, which didn’t take long.

Dayna And Roo Were Just Meant To Be

woman holding Roo the GSD
Source: YouTube

Dayna, the owner of three more dogs from California, saw the ad and immediately fell in love with Roo. 

“As soon as I saw him, there was no doubt in my mind. When I saw him at the meet and greet, I just wanted to scoop him up and take him home right there.”

It was love at first sight. It didn’t take long for Roo to fall in love with Dayna, too. In fact, when they first met each other at the meet and greet, Roo was delighted being in Dayna’s lap. And, that has persisted to this very day.

But, even this was just the beginning of Roo’s new life. He didn’t know what awaited him at the spacious home. Or, who awaited him!

Duffy, Dayna’s Blind Dog, Was Destined To Be Roo’s Best Friend

photo of Roo and another dog with disability
Photo from: @roo_and_his_friends_

One of the major reasons why Dayna knew right from the start that Roo was gonna be the right choice for her was that she already had a dog with a special condition. Her first of three dogs, Duffy, was a dog that couldn’t see.

She had the feeling that like attracts like. And, boy… was she right! 

The second Roo entered the house and saw Duffy, he cheerfully wagged his tail and greeted him. Duffy reciprocated with the same amount of enthusiasm! And, from that moment on, Roo and Duffy have never separated.

Sure, they shared a spacious home and a lovely bond with the other two dogs, but it was as if they knew that their special conditions had made them destined to be inseparable. 

Maybe it was due to their synchronized amount of activity. Or, their naturally different setup. Or, something else. Who could tell? The only thing that mattered from that moment on is that they found each other.

Roo Has The Perfect Little Life Now

Roo in a stroller
Photo from: @roo_and_his_friends_

Today, Roo is the star of his three-and-a-half-acre home. Together with his other buddies, he lives the best life. 

The cherry on top of the sundae of awesomeness, which is his life, is the fact that Roo has a specially-made wheelchair. It allows him to move without tripping and stumbling, which makes his activities a lot easier.

His story is just proof that sad stories, indeed, can turn into the happiest of endings.
