19 Photos That Show Us How Loving German Shepherds Are


People are often uncertain about German Shepherds. They believe these dogs are tough, maybe even dangerous, all thanks to their appearance and the roles they have in police and military forces. 

But, that’s all business. German Shepherds are completely different dogs in real life. 

Sure, they’re still protectors, but even they know how to show love. 

These 19 photos are here to debunk myths and prove to everyone that German Shepherds are made of love, ready to show it to everyone in their life!

1. If It Fits, I Sits

There’s plenty of room for both of them on this chair. Good thing German Shepherds know how to share, especially with smol pooches.

cute german shepherd with a puppy sitting in a chair
Source: @shepherdspaw

2.Nighty Night, Sweet Shepies

Sleepovers are great! That’s why these two GSDs love having them. Despite their difference in age, they’re still best buddies.

german shepherd in the arms of the puppy sleeping
Source: @gsd_lovers_community

3. The Best Huggers In The World

Did you know that of all dog breeds, German Shepherds give the best hugs? Oh, it definitely has a lot to do with their fluffy coat and big, chunky paws.

a woman holds a German shepherd in her arms
Source: @gsd_blue_and_storm

4. Friends Through Thick And Thin

Admit it… German Shepherds are pretty photogenic. But, they prefer to pose in pairs, with their best buddies.

german shepherds hugging in a meadow
Source: @emmy_gus_ruby

5. Lazy Sunday Cuddling

Not every dog would allow another one to lay next to him like this. But, I guess not everyone could be a GSD. 

two cute german shepherds resting
Source: @germanshepherd_53

6. The Best Boop In The World

German Shepherds have a big, meaty nose. They’re perfect for boops of all kinds. If this was a different dog breed… let’s say a Shiba, this boop from his little hooman would be impossible. Then again, this is a GSD… a family dog like no other.

a child plays with a German shepherd
Source: @vv_viktorijavaiciuliene

7. Rock-a-Bye Baby

Apparently, German Shepherds make great nannies. Just watch how sweet this big boy is with his tiny hooman.

a German shepherd looks after a baby in a cradle
Source: @german_shepherd_cooper

8. The Fresh Scent Of A New Baby

Nothing better than smelling a baby, right? This GSD totally agrees. He’s always right by the baby’s side to protect him at all costs. Okay, he’s right next to his feet, but you understand, don’t you?

the child touches the German shepherd with his legs
Source: @mel_odie_pc

9. Friendship Knows No Boundaries

So what if one of them is a GSD and the other is a Corgi? They can be great friends. They are great friends! 

a German shepherd watches over a corgi
Source: @rayne_and_theloafprince

10. Cats Are Welcome, Too

These two spend so much time together that you can’t tell where the cat begins or where the dog ends.

a cat in the arms of a German charmer
Source: @northern_ideas

11. A Heart To Fit Them All

Some are still warming up to the feeling of loving a cat, but they’re getting there. GSDs have a huge heart, so every household pet can fit it.

a black cat sleeps on a german shepherd
Source: @atlas.a.gsd

12. May I Have This Dance

As you can see, German Shepherds love everything and everyone… even dancing! 

german shepherd shows his love to a girl
Source: @b_a_r_n_e_tt

13. Good To See You, Buddy

When two GSDs don’t see each other for a while, they always greet each other with the fluffiest hugs. Aaah, such great huggers these German Shepherds are! 

two hugging german shepherds
Source: @loveandexhaustion

14. Car Rides Are Their Favorite

A GSD won’t call shotgun when going for a car ride. He prefers sitting in the back and cuddling with little hoomans.

a german shepherd sits next to a woman in a car
Source: @theo_and_me

15. If They Could Meet Sharks, They’d Love Them, Too 

German Shepherds are so full of love that they don’t believe in different shapes, colors, or species. This GSD would even love to meet a shark, but he has to settle with a toy because, you know… sharks are not our buddies.

german shepherd sitting on the couch and looking at the camera
Source: @rey_jedi_gsd

16. They’ll Always Give You A Paw When Needed

True friends are easy to spot: they’ll always lend a paw when you need it!

german shepherd gives a paw to a woman
Source: @pawsitivewriter

17. There To Make You Feel Better

There’s not much a dog can do when his hooman is feeling down. But, this GSD knows that just staying there and cuddling on the sofa together would help the hooman feel better in no time.

German shepherd cuddling with a woman lying on the couch
Source: @bella_blue_2018

18. Friends For Life

When mommy brought home a new baby, this good boi knew she was bringing him a friend for life. That’s why he made a promise to keep the little one safe.

a child sleeps on a German shepherd
Source: @lindajohansen79

19. Yee-Haw Cowboy

There’s nothing a loving GSD wouldn’t do for his owner. He’ll even enjoy pretend play and being a horsie for the little cowboy.

the boy sits on the back of a German shepherd
Source: @havanathegsd
