Happy Tears: A Kid Reunites With Her Lost Family Dog After Two Months


Whenever a dog goes missing, there’s rarely a happy ending to the story. Blessed are those who get a second chance.

No one really knows how Oscar, the dog lost in Argentina, survived for two months. The family was clearly heartbroken, and we believe Oscar was too.

a kid reunites with her lost dog
Source: @loshermanospaticorti

Luckily, their despair didn’t last a day over two months.

An animal rescue group called Los Hermanos Paticorti from Buenos Aires, Argentina posted a video that went viral in no time. The video features Oscar, the lost doggo, being returned home after a good Samaritan found him.

Hearts were melted, tears of joy flooded the place, and two girls got their brother back. Yes, their brother. Oscar was more than just a family dog. He was an equal member of the family, cherished and adored to the bone.

After what seemed to be eternities for them, this Argentinian family was finally back together.

Watch how Oscar got his happy ending here.

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