17 Photos That Prove Dogs And Cats Actually Love Each Other



Psst! You didn’t get this from me, but cats and dogs actually do love each other! I’ve seen it with my own eyes… them kissing, smooching, cuddling, and sleeping together.

I know! I was astonished, too!

Come see it for yourself. And, maybe grab a chair and a glass of water because these 17 couples break dog vs cat myths.

1. Soulmates

These two have begun to spend a lot of time together. In fact, they’ve even started to look like each other!

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Objavu dijeli Emily (@em_in_scotland)

2. Guess Who’s In Charge

She has him wrapped around her pinky toe. Coffee, the GSD, is nuts about his ginger friend… he’d do anything for her.

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Objavu dijeli Coffee (@coffees_chronicles)

3. Watching Her Back

There, there… now, point and say who told you we’re not meant to be together!

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Objavu dijeli Miejski Burek (@miejskiburek)

4. Snuggle Buddies

Nobody’s gonna say that these dogs and cats can’t sleep together! They’re both so fluffy that it’s a crime to separate them.

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Objavu dijeli The three moustacheers (@the_three_moustasheers)

5. What Are You Looking At?

Nothing to see here, buddy. Give us some privacy!

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Objavu dijeli David (@davidvip209)

6. Sleeping With The Enemy

Well, according to this kitty’s smile, they could never be enemies!

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Objavu dijeli Danya Dewald (@danyathecrazyfosterlady)

7. Kissy Kissy

Come here and gimme a smooch!

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Objavu dijeli Pearl And Nova (@ragdollspearlandnova)

8. Blending In

If you look closer, you’ll notice his feline friend snoozing in all that fluff.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Objavu dijeli Pixel And Friends 🇫🇷 (@pixelandf)

9. We’re Twinning

These two spend waaay too much time together. I mean, they’ve started to look the same!

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Objavu dijeli 𝕆𝕦𝕡’𝕤 & 𝔸𝕡𝕚 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕠 (@oupsfamily)

10. Who Needs A Pillow?

…when you’ve got a soft feline to lay your head on.

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Objavu dijeli GP and Sar_G (@gpandsar_g)

11. Stop! You’re Blowing Our Cover!

I told you no kissing before the hoomans. Now they’re onto us!

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Objavu dijeli @niki_kikiriki_the_chihuahua

12. *Inhales Deeply*

Oh, what’s that smell? The new Pawnel? I luv it!

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Objavu dijeli Marie Bocart (@marie.beautylife)

13. Come Tuck Us In

Hey, hooman! Come tuck us in! We’re way too comfy to get up.

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Objavu dijeli Rachel(dog) ve Pierre’le(cat) Lotinin(cat) maceraları (@rachel_pierre_loti)

14. Don’t Be Shy

Aaand now we kiss! Don’t be shy… the hoomans are not around.

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Objavu dijeli Bella D (@bellaandhersis)

15. Wuthering Heights

Why, yes! He’s my Heatcliff and I’m his Catherine!

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Objavu dijeli Animals on Exploration (@animalsonexplorations)

16. That’s The Spot!

Oh, yeah… That’s the spot. Go on…

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Objavu dijeli 白柴小夏 (@shiroshibakonatsu)

17. This Is How They Sleep In The Movies

I dunno what the hoomans are talking about. This is the most comfiest I’ve ever been!

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Objavu dijeli Lulu Bug Jewelry (@lulubugjewelry)
