A Retired K9 German Shepherd Rescued Successfully From A 40-Foot Deep Hole


We’re all used to K-9 German Shepherds saving us, but what about the times they, themselves, need saving from us? This is one of those stories.

Indy is a retired police dog who fell in a 40-foot deep hole in Bonita, California. He was severely injured during the fall, but luckily, he was successfully saved by the Animal Fire Rescue Training team after more than four hours. 

Indy’s owner, Mark Pugh, was deeply devastated after finding out that his furry companion had an accident. Indy was immediately taken to a vet hospital, where he’s at right now. 

Indy Served Nine Years As A Law-Enforcement Dog

Indy has been a police officer for almost nine years. He has always been a worked up, strong K-9 dog that has an impeccable career. 

After serving for almost a decade, Indy got well-deserved time off, retiring from the job. 

“He’s been a strong German Shepherd”, says Mike.

He, Mike, and the family were spending some quality time together in Bonita on a rented property when Indy fell in what looked like to be a 40-foot deep abandoned well. 

Indy Was Successfully Rescued By The AFRT

Ken Gilden, and his teammates from the Animal Fire Rescue Training, acted promptly after finding this unfortunate dog in a well. At first, Indy looked fine and didn’t exhibit any signs of injury, which was an encouraging start.

The hole, however, was quite narrow, deep, and about to collapse, which is why it was impossible for AFRT members to get in and rescue this GSD. The only way possible was to lasso Indy by his neck and pull him out.

“At the end of the day, it was either get him out that way or possibly have to leave him down there. I don’t think anybody was ready to make that call.”, said Ken.

The rescue went well, as Indy was successfully pulled out and saved from the hole. The only problem now was to determine how badly he was injured. 

Mike And Indy’s Special Bond

german shepherd dog getting a cuddle
Photo from: youtube.com

After the successful rescue, Mike had an emotional breakdown. He’s extremely attached to Indy, which is why seeing him trapped in a hole was not an easy sight. As he was pulled out and processed to a vet hospital, Mike had an emotional moment.

“He means a lot to you”, a reporter said after seeing Mike cry.

“He does”, replied Mike.

Indy and Mike have been companions for quite some time. Despite being an impeccable law-enforcement dog, Indy has also been an amazing family addition. 

He has always had a special, unreserved bond with his handler, which is why seeing him struggle was pretty devastating to Mike.

His Recovery Is Taking More Than Expected

german shepherd dog on recovery
Photo from: 10news.com

Unfortunately, Indy had severe injuries after the fall into the well. Besides being sore, he had a big 18-inch-long gash on his back. Even though he was immediately subjected to a vet hospital, Indy got a serious blood infection, and his disc was injured.

The recovery process took more than expected, as his back injury was not exactly harmless. Despite expenses, Mike decided to proceed with the treatment until his furry companion gets better.

The Last Update On Indy

According to CBS8 News update, Indy’s recovery is still ongoing. This brave German Shepherd had a back surgery in Sorrento Valley, San Diego, where he’s now recovering. As far as we know, his injuries were severe, but not life-threatening. 

Indy’s ruptured disc caused a compression of his spinal cord, which is why this canine was unable to stand on his hind legs when he was rescued from the well. He was only able to move the upper part of his body and his tail, but now, the puppy got the full treatment.

It took time, but Indy bounced back completely healthy.

Indy Is The Pugh Family’s Hero

In an interview with CBS8, Mike said that Indy’s unfortunate fall actually saved the whole family who lived on a property. No one, including Mike, knew that there was a hole in the back yard.

“Him falling in that hole saved that family’s life. Those kids there… they had no idea that hole was there.”

Apparently, Indy’s last fall was his last heroic act for his loving companion, Mike, and his entire family. The only difference is that even Indy didn’t know that he was saving them.
