Woman Goes To Desert Every Day To Rescue A German Shepherd And Finally Succeeds


Living in a desert is not easy at all, especially for an abandoned dog without food or water. So, when Lindsey saw a dog roaming the California Mojave Desert, she immediately knew she needed to do something. 

She stopped and tried to gain the dog’s trust, but this German Shepherd girl was so scared that it wasn’t a simple job. Lindsey couldn’t catch her that day, but she wasn’t giving up.

photo of a german shepherd in the desert
Source: YouTube

For five days straight, Lindsey had been coming to the desert and taking care of the dog. She would bring her food and water a couple of times a day, so this poor thing wouldn’t starve. 

It seemed like every day, it was getting hotter and hotter and more dangerous to keep living there. Lindsey knew she needed to catch this dog and rescue her from this fiery place. 

On day 7, Lindsey called her husband for help. “We got her, you guys. She will be safe”, says Lindsey in the video while transporting the dog out of the desert.

rescued german shepherd in a cage
Source: YouTube

“She went to her new house where we let her out of the trap”, explained Lindsey. The dog was still feeling stressed and scared from being in the unknown place, but at least now she was completely safe and taken care of.

According to Lindsey, the dog had been dumped in the Mojave Desert by her previous owner three weeks prior to when Lindsey spotted her. She survived off rodents and had even swallowed rocks, which resulted in emergency surgery. 

Her paw pads were very worn off from walking on the hot desert sand, and she was extremely anemic. She weighed only 38 lbs. 

photo of a malnourished german shepherd, weighing only 38 lbs
Source: YouTube

German Shepherds are extremely loyal dogs, and this poor thing was probably waiting for her previous owner to come back, not knowing they would never return for her. 

It took some time and determination, but the dog started to open up slowly. She would let them touch her, and she even started to come inside the house to eat. This was a big improvement.

It started with small head pets, but soon this girl realized that they love her and want only the best for her. 

“She allowed me to pet her on her head, and from there, it went to this blossoming dog. She’s just a happy dog”, said Lindsey, happily. “She will let you pet her on the belly! She’s enjoying life.”

rescued german shepherd plays with new owners
Source: YouTube

From a frightened desert dog to a beautiful and happy pet… what a transformation. This German Shepherd is now a healthy and well-nourished pup that weighs about 60 lbs. 

She also has amazing new parents who love her unconditionally and would never dump her heartlessly in the desert.

photo of a happy transformed german shepherd
Source: YouTube

Love is an incredible tool that can do wonders, and this story is just another example of how, with a little bit of love, you can do remarkable things. 
