Do You Remember The Ultimate Dog Tease From 2011?


It has been more than twelve years since the “Ultimate Dog Tease” video was posted on YouTube, but everyone will agree with me when I argue that it will never get old.

This hilarious video was posted by the channel called Talking Animals, and up until now, it has been viewed more than 208 million times.

The video was going viral back in 2011, but it seems that every year there is a whole new audience that finds out about it and makes it viral all over again.

screenshot of a classic dog prank video
Source: YouTube

“I completely forgot about this video… an absolute classic. 5-year-old me used to laugh at this, and now, 10 years later, it’s amazing to see it again,” said one viewer. 

Another added, “I have watched this video probably 6 or 7 million times and I still laugh like it’s the first time seeing it. Gotta be one of the most watched and most loved videos on YouTube.”

It all started with a Canadian actor and comedian from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Andrew Grantham, who created the viral video, but the real star here is definitely the dog. 

Meet Clark… The Star Of The Ultimate Dog Prank 

photo of Clark the dog in the snow
Source: Facebook

Clark Griswold is a Dutch Shepherd mix living in Colorado, who at the time of filming the video was a two-and-a-half-year-old puppy. 

According to an interview with Paul Bradley Smith, Clark was rescued by his parents, Jennifer and Marc, in September 2009 from Colorado Puppy Rescue. [1] 

Jennifer was immediately in love with the dog’s interesting markings and his incredibly beautiful puppy smile. That day, a star was born, Clark G the dog, and the rest is, well… history. 

photo of Clark the dog outdoors
Source: Facebook

Growing up, Clark was feisty, playful, extremely strong-willed, and he loved talking. Noticing his talents and very expressive facial expressions, his parents started filming him a lot, which is how the viral video was born. 

In collaboration with Andrew, the talking animal guy, arguably “the best video on the Internet” was created, and it immediately became a huge hit. 

In the video, the owner is playing the ultimate prank on the dog while Andrew performs the voice-over for Clark.

owner performs a prank on a dog
Source: YouTube

The best part of the video is the pup’s earnest expressions and priceless reactions to being teased about bacon, steak, and chicken (his favorite treats) being eaten by the owner. 

The Ultimate Prank Story

The whole story revolves around food, of course. Clark being a huge foodie simply couldn’t resist reacting to the words coming out of his owner’s mouth. 

First, it was bacon, and not just any kind of bacon, but the apple kind… Clark’s favorite. But, dad ate it. 

funny photo of Clark the dog getting pranked
Source: Pinterest

Then, it was a big, juicy steak… but dad ate it once again. How rude, by the way… nothing for Clark. 

And, then the grand finale… the chicken with cheese… and CAT treats. And, guess who ate them… A CAT. What an injustice. I heard Clark is still looking for the cat who ate his food. 

It’s simply hard not to believe that Clark is not the one talking in the video and that the conversation is not real. The expressions and the voice-over simply go together perfectly. It’s hilarious. 

Andrew created this video just for fun, but now he has been doing this for years. 

This video also broke the Guinness world record for the most viewed animal video on YouTube, and it has since been shared all over the world and featured on Good Morning America and other major news outlets. 

Both Andrew and Clark have skyrocketed to fame. Clark even has his own Facebook page, ‘Clark G the Dog’, and an official online store with his merch.

funny photo showing Clark as presidential candidate
Source: Facebook

A portion of the proceeds from the sales go to the Halifax SPCA and animal cruelty investigations in Nova Scotia. 

The director of marketing and fund development for the Nova Scotia SPCA, Dianne MacDougall, said, “Andrew came to us at the SPCA looking to give back to help the animals in Nova Scotia in some way.” 

She also added, “Someone like Andrew helps us to do that work. Without him, we wouldn’t be able to continue.”

Needless to say this hilarious video has not only brought smiles and joy to people all over the world, but it has also done a lot of good for the animal community. 

I have no doubt that it will continue to do just that in the future. Feel free to share the video with your friends and family and spread the happiness around.
