Turkey Sends Mexico A Search Puppy As A Sign Of Gratitude


The first few months of 2023 were (still are) extremely difficult for Turkey. Even though some parts of the country were struck by a series of horrific earthquakes, the whole country suffered. And, the whole world participated in their grief. 

The number of people lost under the ruins climbed to almost 60,000, not to mention material losses, and the huge harm done to the country’s economy. 

Turkey is still recovering from this disaster, but the world is not forgetting this wonderful country. 

And, Turkey does not forget either.

When this wonderful country was in tears, the entire human race responded by helping in all kinds of ways. Mexico was one of them.

The South American country sent Proteo, a courageous rescue dog that helped save many missing people. Unfortunately, Proteo passed away on this mission, but his legacy continues. 

To honor Proteo’s service and show eternal gratitude to Mexico, the Turkish government sent a German Shepherd puppy… a fine specimen that should continue Proteo’s good work.

One Special Shipment

german shepherd puppy in a bag
Source: bbc.com

Serving Mexico for nine years in numerous search and rescue missions, Proteo did a tremendous job. His work in Turkey was beyond all expectations. Therefore, the new puppy that arrived in Mexico has some pretty big shoes to fill. 

The puppy is yet to be named, but Mexico’s Ministry of Defence has posted an online poll for people to vote for their favorite name for this new puppy. 

Three names were in the running: Proteo II, Arkadas (Turkish word for “friend”), and Yardim (which means “help” in Turkish). Arkadas was by far the most popular name option, so they went with it.

man holding german shepherd puppy
Source: youtube.com

Proteo’s successor was welcomed with open arms on May 2nd, 2023. A nice little ceremony was done at the airport to honor his arrival. 

german shepherd military dog
Source: youtube.com

We’re all pawsitive that Arkadas will follow the pawprints of Proteo… a brave dog that entered history. 

READ MORE: Brave Search And Rescue Dogs Helping In Türkiye And Syria
