Adorable Deaf & Blind Puppy Finds Forever Home With Her Loving Guide Dog Brother


As animal lovers, we’ve all heard countless stories of unlikely friendships and heartwarming rescues. 

But the story of Star and Denver, two puppy siblings with a bond that defies the odds, will leave you speechless. 

From being abandoned in Louisiana to traveling 1,800 miles to San Diego for a second chance, their journey is truly remarkable.

A Difficult Start 

dogs in a cage

Star and Denver’s story begins in rural Louisiana, where a beautiful mama dog gave birth to eight adorable puppies However, their happiness was short-lived when they, along with their mother, were abandoned by their previous owners.

Fortunately, a kind couple found them and took them all in, providing them with the care and love they desperately needed. The couple nurtured them until the puppies were strong enough to be weaned.

As they could not keep the puppies, the couple decided to call Helen Woodward Animal Center in San Diego for help. 

The Unbreakable Sibling Bond

two white dogs under the bench

As soon as the siblings arrived at the center, it was evident that Star had special needs. Deaf and nearly blind, she had to learn how to navigate the world with her other senses. But, Denver was always by her side, acting as her eyes and ears. 

He made it his mission to keep his sister safe and happy, and he never left her side. They were inseparable, and their bond only grew stronger with each passing day.

Denver always stayed close to Star, nudging her to let her know he was there, and their playtime together was a joy to watch.  

They would cuddle together every night, share their warmth and love, and the staff could not bear the thought of separating them.

It was no surprise that they could only be adopted together since they were the ultimate dynamic duo.

Months Of Waiting And Hoping 

two dogs playing

As the puppies played and grew, the staff at the center watched as six of the eight siblings were successfully adopted. 

However, the adorable duo, Star and Denver, were still waiting for their forever home. 

Despite their charming personalities and irresistible cuteness, weeks had gone by, and still, no one had come forward to give them a loving home. 

The staff at the center remained hopeful that someone would eventually give them the chance to live a happy life together.

As they waited, Star and Denver continued to play and enjoy each other’s company, knowing that they had each other for support. 

A New Life On The Horizon

man and woman with adopted dogs

Months of waiting and uncertainty came to an end when Star and Denver finally found their forever home in Encinitas, California. 

Their new loving and devoted parents, Sheri and Art Armendariz, welcomed them with open arms and hearts, eager to give the siblings the life they deserve. 

The duo’s journey had been a rollercoaster ride, from being abandoned in Louisiana to traveling 1,800 miles to San Diego in search of a loving family.

Star And Denver’s Happy Ever After

two white dogs sleeping on the couch
Source:  @starseeswithdenver

The moment they stepped into their new home, Star and Denver knew they were in for a treat. 

With endless playtime, cozy snuggles, and lots of love, they were finally able to experience the joys of a happy life. The couple that adopted them was the perfect match, showering them with affection and care.

Watching them play and cuddle together, it was clear that Star and Denver had found their happy ending. 

Their journey of waiting for the right family reminded us that sometimes, things take time, and good things come to those who wait. 

We wish them a lifetime of love and happiness with their loving and devoted family!
