Man Builds A Modified Kayak So He Can Take His Golden Buddies Out On Adventures


There’s nothing more beautiful in life than the ability to share the sweetest moments with someone you love. That is exactly why David Bahnson, a retired surgeon from Rutland, Vermont, decided to share his passion for kayaking with his Golden Retrievers.

This is how it all started…

David Custom-Made His Kayak So Susie Could Join Him

man and a dog in kayak

David got the idea of taking Susie, his family’s first Golden Retriever pet, with him out on the water when he saw her fit easily into the baggage compartment. 

Normally, this area is just too small for an additional paddler, but for Susie, it was the perfect fit! However, he needed to add coaming so she would stay dry during the ride. 

It was so obvious that Susie just loved this new adventure David invented.

As a Golden Retriever, she was naturally so full of spirit, and being out on the water was just another great way to entertain her. But, even though she loved water – she never jumped out of the kayak until they came back to the shore.

Linda Brought Ginger To The Family

man with two dogs in kayak

David’s wife, Linda, brought another addition to the family – a Golden Retriever named Ginger! As they didn’t want to leave their new puppy out of the adventure – David decided to put in another hole in his kayak and make extra room for Ginger.

And, just like Susie – Ginger loved the idea!

The Pawfect Paddling Trio

man in kayak with dogs on a lake

The trio would go out on the water together, enjoying their little adventures in the kayak. Both Susie and Ginger were such great doggos. They were both obedient and well-trained, which is why David never had problems keeping them from the water.

“They sit down and off we go. When we come ashore, they’ll stay seated until I tell them it’s OK to get out,” said David.

Susie And Ginger’s Memory Lives Forever

woman with retriever on grass

Sadly, both Susie and Ginger passed away after years spent in David and Linda’s home. 

They both lived a life full of adventures and wonderful moments, and even though there’s nothing to fill that void of emptiness in their owners’ heart – both David and Linda are happy to know that their pets were so loved in this world.

However, the kayaking tradition didn’t die in Bahnson’s home, as the couple adopted another puppy – Piper. He’s also a Golden Retriever that loves exploring the water and collecting lifetime memories with his loving owners in Vermont.

We wish them calm waters and sunny skies!
