19 Photos That Show All The Love Between UPS Drivers And Their Route Dogs


We’ve all seen videos and read stories about package delivery services getting attacked by dogs, only to drop the buyer’s prized new possession and run for their lives.

Thanks to a special UPS Dogs Facebook group and Instagram profile, we can enjoy some wholesome pictures of dogs and drivers having a great time whenever they meet. 

1. Where Are The Treats, Eric?

These two dogs obviously know what Eric is all about. It seems to me they were prepared for this event, but the driver’s empty hands are not a good omen. Fingers crossed Eric has a spare bag of treats.

2. The Best Treats Are The UPS Driver’s

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This dog’s eyes speak enough of the connection it has with this UPS driver. Although one cracker isn’t much, it’s the intent that matters. 

3. Leading By Example

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Not all UPS drivers are made the same. This one seems to have brought a lot of dilemmas into the St. Bernard’s guardian role. In the end, you can see the UPS “leading by example” by carrying the treat in his mouth while he delivers the package to the door.

4. What Treat Are You Talking About?

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The dog on this photo prompted a very poetic post from the driver who tossed the treat. Why the long post? Well, the dog was disgruntled because it couldn’t figure out where the bone went, so the UPS driver got some undeserved barking and blame.

5. Vinny Made A Gift For His UPS Driver

Vinny is such a good boy. He made a badge of himself with some gold flakes for his favorite UPS driver, Bobby. Priceless gift indeed.

6. Gangs Of West Virginia

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The long-awaited UPS truck and food dispenser (UPS driver) are finally here! Although the driver’s job was not delivering food, some duck jerky ought to be enough for safe passage.

7. Copper, The Husky Matching The UPS Uniform Color

The treats are already gone on this photo, but Copper looks more than happy to pose for a photo inside the UPS delivery vehicle. Someone in the comments said that the Husky only needs a pair of glasses to match the UPS driver.

8. Doggy UPS Truck Takeover

What are these two shepherd dogs delivering? And what have they done with the driver? A Belgian Malinois in the driver’s seat, and a GSD as a packet handler look like a highly efficient combo. Props to the driver who let them do a round of deliveries for them.

9. When The UPS Driver Is Your Neighbor

You can tell by this dog’s ears that happiness is seeing the neighbor (who is a UPS driver) put on the uniform and start the day off by giving out some highly-needed treats.

10. A UPS Driver Does A Deceased Dog A Favor

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This good guy driver was more than happy to give away a deceased dog’s treats to other canines who enjoy UPS deliveries. The owners gave him a bag of their pooch’s remaining treats with the hope of making other UPS dogs a moment of happiness.

11. Sometimes It’s Not About The Treats

Serenity and joy from both the dog and the driver show that UPS trucks bring more than treats. A cool relationship can be built on good vibes and decent neck scratches, too!

12. I Can Do It Myself, Human

When the UPS driver simply isn’t fast enough to give out treats, dogs take things into their own paws. I hope some treats for other dogs were left after this dive into the food box.

13. Can You Stay With The Package?

There’s no doubt that Molly loves Terry. But Molly would like Terry to stay at her home forever. Not only does he feed her good treats, but he’s also very good at doggy hugs.

14. Oh, You Silly UPS Driver

All it takes to not be misunderstood by UPS drivers is a kind one. Zoe, the GSD, finally got a UPS driver to come and see how good a girl she is. She even laid down for him to give some belly rubs. 

15. Hold My Paw, Mr. Murray

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There is no better comfort for a hefty Rottweiler than holding his favored UPS driver’s hand. This is especially true if some treats found their way into the dog’s chompers. 

16. Boys, The UPS Driver Is Here!

Zoomies hit differently when the black and yellow truck arrives. What does the UPS driver have in store for us today? What kind of treats is he bringing? Will we get some head scratching and belly rubs?

17. The “Back Of The Truck” Privilege

Most of the dogs prefer the front-end of the truck. Gilbert, the dog, thought Mike, the driver, could use a set of strong paws to get some of those boxes off the truck. Lucky Mike, for having such a diligent helper. I wonder what Gilbert’s hourly rate is.

18. A Treat Falling Into A Black Hole

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Although I’m not sure which one’s Sookie and which one’s Marshall, the tan dog definitely doesn’t want to leave things to chance. If that treat misses the mouth, some other dog might eat it. No way, Jose.

19. When You Just Had Surgery And The UPS Driver Visits You

Bobby’s treat-loving tongue is delighted that Chris, the UPS driver, came to check up on him. I’m sure that this little visit boosted Bobby’s recovery after surgery.
