This Is Raylan, And He Babysits Blind Kittens For Free


It’s so hard to find a good nanny these days! They either want too much money on the table, or don’t want to be bothered a lot. 

But, this nanny is nothing like your average babysitter. His salary? Cuddles and treats. His only goal? To keep his blind felines safe at all costs.

Meet Raylan… a GSD mutt with paternal instincts that will make you go ooh and ahh.

It’s not unusual for canines to behave this way. We have many examples from the dog world where mommies or daddies have adopted kittens, birds, and other wild animals. 

But, Raylan is different. He’s the ultimate proof that cats and dogs can be friends. No, scratch that… FAMILY!

Welcome To The Family

little kittens with dog

Raylan has always been a good boi

Rescued nine years ago, Raylan got a brand new chance in life and decided he’d do anything it takes to help other paws in need to get their new start. 

Raylan’s mommy is pretty involved in rescuing and fostering animals other than Raylan. Ever since Raylan arrived at his new home, he has been helping mommy with the foster program.

So, when she got a phone call from their local shelter in Ontario, she knew they had to help those tiny kittens, too.

Laura, Raylan’s mom, received a phone call about four partially blind kittens. They were asking Laura to foster them, and she knew immediately she had to take them in. 

When the little ones arrived at their temp home, Raylan was the first one to greet them. The sweet doggo oozes with tranquility, and I bet the kitties felt that, too. None of them were scared or nervous, and Raylan got to sniff them good.

dog checking kittens

Soon enough, a bunch of wet kisses followed and an eternal bond was created. Raylan accepted the four felines and pawmissed he would watch over them.

The kitties received super cool names (definitely picked by Raylan) that were inspired by superheroes. Raylan got the chance to hang out with Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, a.k.a., Batwoman, Peter Parker, and Clark Kent.

dog playing with kittens

With Raylan, the kittens felt safe. He took care of them like a mommy kitty would. He even licked them clean! 

“Cleaning them… that’s his favorite thing. When he starts licking the cats, they just love it”, said Laura.

The good dog, Raylan, gave these kittens a lot of love and care. In return, the kittens gave Raylan a project… something that would occupy him and make him feel useful.

Raylan always knew the kittens were somehow impaired. Their vision was quite poor and they needed a little extra guidance. That’s why they relied more on their touch instead of sight. Raylan understood that, and he helped, too!

He used to carry them around and put them in places he thought they should be. Without Raylan’s help, the kittens would definitely be put before a challenge, especially Bruce and Peter… two kittens that turned out to be completely blind.

dog carrying a kitten in mouth

Raylan helped socialize the kittens, and he made them into confident cats. 

When the adoption time arrived, Raylan was happy that all the kittens were adopted fast. Bruce and Peter even went to a home with a dog named Charlie, so their transition wasn’t too difficult.

But still, Raylan felt like his heart shattered into pieces. He missed those kitties so much. 

Luckily, his mommy, Laura, brought in more foster cats, and Raylan bounced back, making sure he completes his duties as the world’s best nanny!

Wait, There’s More!

cat sleeping together with the dog
Source: @raylan_the_dog

Bruce, Peter, Selina, and Clark weren’t Raylans first and only kittens. This pawmazing dog helped foster more than 100 felines! He’s definitely a record holder. 

If you’re wondering… no, there were no accidents regarding Raylan and him carrying around the kittens in his mouth. All felines were unharmed, and Raylan proved to be the gentlest of all purebred mutts.

Together, Laura and Raylan foster kittens regularly. Every time a cat needs a home, some socialization, and a safe environment, local shelters phone in and ask for Raylan’s treatment. 

They all know this doggo will take better care of kitties than some kitty moms would.

Raylan’s got quite a fan base on Instagram. He has almost 110K followers and supporters that LOVE what he does with the cats. 

Of course, you MUST follow him to see this unique case of cat and dog love.

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