Spanish Stray Greyhound Gets A Forever Home In USA


Of all dog stories, those involving stray dogs and their new owners are probably the most heartwarming. This is one of those stories…

Mango was only a one-year-old puppy when he was found in a train station in Spain. Thanks to the Grateful Greyhounds rescue group, he was saved from the street, and later adopted by an American couple, Blake and Jane.

Even though he was abandoned by his former owners, Mango successfully found his new home – all the way across the pond.

Mango Was Found Roaming Near A Train Station

According to his current owners, Blake and Jane, Mango was found wandering around a train station when he was first found. Back then, he was still a puppy, as he wasn’t more than a year old.

This Galgo puppy, also referred to as a Spanish Greyhound, was extremely thin and malnourished when the rescue team found him. He didn’t eat for days, he was weak and scared, and didn’t even have enough strength to resist.

“He was owned at one point by a farmer or hunter, and either he was released or he escaped.”

Grateful Greyhounds Rescued Him From The Street

Spanish Stray Dog sitting on a rug
Source: Instagram

The dog rescue called “Grateful Greyhounds”, from New York, found this puppy all the way in Spain. In collaboration with the Spanish dog rescue group, “Galgo En Familia”, they organized his transfer to the U.S.

As soon as they saw the picture of him, Jane and Blake decided to go for it. They immediately fell in love with the very idea of adopting a Spanish stray dog, as they wanted to provide a safe, nurturing home for this unfortunate boy.

“We were like: Yeah, let’s do it, we’re all in. Didn’t know his personality, knew nothing…”

Mango was successfully transferred from Madrid to New York and, after an eight-and-a-half-hour-long flight, he met Jane and Blake.

Jane And Blake Were “All In”

Spanish Stray Dog sleeping in the arms of a man
Source: YouTube

Even though Mango was shy at first, Jane and Blake did everything in their power to make a home for this Spanish Greyhound. And, they succeeded!

At first, he was sleeping a lot. He wasn’t as interested in many activities as a common family dog, but the couple was patient. They knew that it would take some time for Mango to start feeling strong and active again.

The good thing was that Mango immediately bonded with his new family. Despite all his shyness, he found his refuge in Blake and Jane’s arms. He was physically a big boy, but he somehow always managed to curl up into their lap and fall asleep that way.

Mango Is Not Only Mango, But “Twinkle Toes”

Spanish Stray Dog standing on the bridge
Source: Instagram

Even though the couple kept his original name, Jane and Blake like to call Mango “Twinkle toes.” The reason why this Spanish beauty got the new name was because of his funny feet position when he’s standing still.

“He basically was born as a ballerina superstar. His front feet are in permanent first position.”

From Stray Dog To A Family Dog

Spanish Stray Dog is lying on the carpet and looking at the camera
Source: Instagram

Today, Mango is a loving family dog who found his furever home in the United States, far away from the place he was born. As a stray dog who didn’t even know how to climb stairs, Mango transitioned into a beautiful pet ready to share all of his love.

“He has just become the sweetest boy we could ever imagine.”

Jane and Blake have been subjecting him to professional training for the last eight months. Mango has shown exquisite results in agility and obedience, but the thing he loves the most is being next to his owners. Finding a new family was definitely worth all the hardship.
