Pure Friendship Between UPS Drivers And Dogs In 19 Photos


We’re debunking the myth once and for all: Dogs and UPS drivers can actually be friends.

Need proof? Just look at these 19 pawesome photos of real-life UPS drivers and the buddies they meet while working.

One thing is for sure: being a UPS driver and a dog person sounds like the pawfect job!

1. The Special Delivery

Some pups like to believe the whole world spins around them. Oh, well… at least some like to believe the UPS driver is there just to see them. 

These two Doodles were brokenhearted when Erik, their UPS man, didn’t show up at their doorstep. Instead, he went over to the neighbor. 

But, Erik did apologize and leave some treats for the doggos, so they wouldn’t end up broken-hearted again. Good boy, Erik!

two poodles look out the window at the car
Source: @Ups Dogs

2. A Great Photo Opportunity

Meeting a new dog as a UPS driver means there’s an opportunity for a great photo. This is Jeremy, and his Great Pyrenees buddy named Sugar. Are they sweet together or what?

a man takes a picture with a dog that licks itself
Source: @UPS Dogs

3. Hug Me, Hooman

Cooper here loves being held by his favorite driver, Jake.

the driver of the UPS is holding a dog in his arms
Source: @UPS Dogs

4. Warming Up To The Idea

Wayne here is still getting used to the idea that UPS drivers and dogs can be friends. But, you can tell he’s gonna start loving them soon.

the UPS driver is holding a sad dog in his arms
Source: @UPS Dogs

5. New Driver… New Me

Saber, a Weimaraner from Stafford, VA, didn’t like the old UPS driver. Well, guess he had a change of heart with the new one.

the dog was happy for the woman
Source: @UPS Dogs

6. It’s Like Looking In The Mirror

Shawn, from Idaho, loves his UPS driver so much that he even dresses up as him. 

a man takes a picture with a dog in the ward
Source: @UPS Dogs

7. A Special Kind Of Love

Some dogs love their UPS drivers so much that they even make them special Christmas presents. 

smiling man laughs with golden retriever
Source: @UPS Dogs

8. The Happiness On His Face

This is Cooper… a Husky that’s always super excited to see his favorite UPS driver.

the girl is sitting next to the husky
Source: @UPS Dogs

9. Patience Is A Virtue

One of the rare dogs that controls his emotions and waits patiently for his UPS driver.

the dog sits in the yard and looks towards the car
Source: @UPS Dogs

10. Going For A Ride

Arson and Bravo’s biggest dream is to work as a UPS driver. They’ve got a great role model.

the dogs are sitting in the car
Source: @UPS Dogs

11. The Biggest Smile

Buddy was so excited to meet his UPS driver that he had to ask him for a dance.

the dog rose on its hind legs to the man
Source: @UPS Dogs

12. A Family’s Favorite

These three Bergers de Beauce boys live for the day their UPS driver arrives. They know he’s got treats ready for them.

UPS delivery man with dogs
Source: @UPS Dogs

13. Game On

Some pups, like Rita, the Malinois from Louisiana, like playing fetch with their fav UPS people.

a dog with a ball in its mouth is sitting next to a girl
Source: @UPS Dogs

14. The Best Kisses

This UPS driver deserved a lot of kisses from the dynamic duo. I bet he loves it!

that the dog jumps on the delivery man
Source: @UPS Dogs

15. A Special Pup

Dogs simply know when someone is a good person. Benny, despite being blind and deaf, knows his UPS driver is a kind soul. 

a man strokes a dog in the yard
Source: @UPS Dogs

16. A Loyal Friend

Coco waits everyday for Jeremy to arrive. She then helps him with the packages and waits for lots of cuddles and treats from her fav driver. 

a man is sitting with a dog in his arms
Source: @UPS Dogs

17. Best Birthday Ever

Benji says it was the best b-day ever because Derick, his driver, swung by.

poodle in the arms of the delivery man
Source: @UPS Dogs

18. Hey, Everybody… He’s Here

If they could go outside, I’m sure they’d tackle down the driver and smother him in wet kisses.

the delivery man petting the dogs
Source: @UPS Dogs

19. Can I Come Along, Pweaseee

Prince wants to ride along so badly. Hopefully, one day, his pawrents will allow him.

cute dog in the delivery man's car
Source: @UPS Dogs
